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Silent Era Films on Home Video
Reviews of silent film releases on home video.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett
and the Silent Era Company.
All Rights Reserved.
Animation Films
of the Silent Era
on Home Video
coverAlice Chops the Suey (1925)
Alice Gets Stage Struck (1925)
Alice Gets Stung (1925)
Alice in the Jungle (1925)
Alice in the Wooly West (1926)
Alice on the Farm (1926)
Alice Rattled by Rats (1925)
Alice’s Balloon Race (1926)
Alice’s Egg Plant (1925)
Alice’s Mysterious Mystery (1926)
Alice’s Ornery Orphan (1925)
Alice Solves the Puzzle (1925)
Alice’s Tin Pony (1925)
Alice the Jail Bird (1925)
Alice the Toreador (1925)
Alice the Whaler (1927)
Alice Wins The Derby (1925)
All Wet (1927)
Arabiantics (1928)
Astronomeows (1928)
The Automobile Ride (1921)
A.W.O.L.; or, All Wrong Old Laddiebuck (1919)
The Barnyard Melody (1929)
Bed Time (1923)
Big Chief Ko-Ko (1925)
The Birth of the Earth (1921)
Bobby Bumps Puts a Beanery on the Bum (1918)
Bobby Bumps Starts a Lodge (1916)
Bobby Bumps Starts to School (1917)
The Bomb Idea (1920)
Bright Lights (1928)
Bubbles (1922)
Bug Vaudeville (1921)
Cartoon Factory (1923)
Cartoons on the Beach (1915)
Cartoons on Tour (1915)
The Centaurs (circa 1918-1921)
Charley on the Farm (1919)
The Chinaman (1920)
Cinderella (1922)
The Circus (1920)
A Close Call (1929)
The Clown’s Little Brother (1920)
The Clown’s Pup (1919)
The Cold Rush (1925)
Colonel Heeza Liar At the Bat (1915)
Col. Heeza Liar, Detective (1923)
Comicalamities (1928)
Comin’ Thro the Rye (1926)
Cramps (1916)
Custard Pies (1929)
The Dinosaur and the Missing Link (1917)
Dog Gone (1926)
Domestic Difficulties (1916)
Dreamy Dud: He Resolves Not to Smoke (1915)
The Dresden Doll (1922)
Drink Hearty (1920)
Farmer Al Falfa’s Wayward Pup (1917)
False Alarm (1923)
Felix All Puzzled (1925)
Felix Comes Back (1922)
Felix Dopes It Out (1924)
Felix Doubles for Darwin (1924)
Felix Finds ’em Fickle (1924)
Felix Finds Out (1924)
Felix Follows the Swallows (1924)
Felix Gets Broadcasted (1923)
Felix Gets His Fill (1924)
Felix Gets the Can (1925)
Felix Goes a-Hunting (1923)
Felix Goes West (1924)
Felix in Fairyland (1923)
Felix in Hollywood (1923)
Felix in the Bone Age (1922)
Felix in the Swim (1922)
Felix Lends a Hand (1922)
Felix Minds the Kid (1922)
Felix Monkeys with Magic (1925)
Felix Out of Luck (1924)
Felix Revolts (1923)
Felix Saves the Day (1922)
Felix the Cat Busts a Bubble (1926)
Felix the Cat Hits the Deck (1927)
Felix the Cat Hunts the Hunter (1926)
Felix the Ghost Breaker (1923)
Felix Trifles with Time (1925)
Felix Turns the Tide (1924)
Felix Wins Out (1923)
Felix Woos Whoo-pie (1927)
Fireman, Save My Child (1919)
Fishing (1921)
Flies (1922)
Flim Flam Films (1927)
Flip’s Circus (circa 1918-1921)
The Flying House (1921)
Fortune Teller (1923)
The Four Musicians of Bremen (1922)
The Fox Chase (1928)
Futuritzy (1928)
Geheimnisvolle Streichholzdose (1910)
Gertie on Tour (circa 1918-1921)
Gertie the Trained Dinosaur (1914)
Goodrich Dirt, Cowpuncher (1918)
Great Guns! (1927)
Has Anybody Here Seen Kelly? (1926)
How a Mosquito Operates (1912)
Humorous Phases of Funny Faces (1906)
The Hunt (1927)
Hunting in 1950 (1926)
I’m Insured (1916)
Inklings (1925)
Invisible Ink (1921)
Invisible Revenge (1925)
It’s the Cats (1926)
The Jolly Rounders (1923)
Jumping Beans (1922)
The Jungle Fool (1929)
The Katzenjammer Kids: Police and Pie (1918)
Keeping Up with the Joneses: Men’s Styles (1915)
Keeping Up with the Joneses: Women’s Styles (1915)
Knighthood (1927)
Ko-Ko Back Tracks (1927)
Ko-Ko Baffles the Bulls (1926)
Ko-Ko in 1999 (1924)
Ko-Ko in Toyland (1925)
Ko-Ko Needles the Boss (1927)
Ko-Ko Nuts (1925)
Ko-Ko’s Paradise (1926)
Ko-Ko’s Reward (1929)
Ko-Ko’s Thanksgiving (1926)
Ko-Ko the Barber (1925)
Ko-Ko the Convict (1926)
Ko-Ko the Kid (1927)
Ko-Ko Trains ’em (1925)
Krazy Kat and Ignatz Mouse at the Circus (1916),
Krazy Kat — Bugologist (1916)
Krazy Kat Goes a-Wooing (1916)
A Lad and His Lamp (1929)
Little Red Riding Hood (1922)
Lost and Found (1926)
Love’s Labor Lost (1920)
Mary and Gretel (1917)
The Mechanical Cow (1927)
Mechanical Doll (1922)
Mr. Nobody Holme: He Buys a Jitney (1916)
Modeling (1921)
Mother Goose Land (1925)
My Old Kentucky Home (1926)
Never Again! (1916)
Newman’s Laugh-O-grams (1921)
The Non Stop Fright (1927)
The Ocean Hop (1927)
Oh Teacher (1927)
Oh What a Knight (1928)
One Good Turn (1929)
One Man Dog (1927)
The Ouija Board (1920)
Outdoor Indore (1928)
Ozzie of the Mounted (1928)
Paramount Magazine [Feline Follies] (1919)
Perpetual Motion (1920)
The Pet (1921)
The Phable of a Busted Romance (1916)
The Phable of the Phat Woman (1916)
Plane Crazy (1928)
Presto Chango (1929)
Puss in Boots (1922)
Puzzle (1923)
Red Hot Rails (1926)
Rival Romeos (1928)
Romeeow (1927)
Scents and Nonsense (1926)
The Sinking of the Lusitania (1918)
The Skeleton Dance (1928)
Sky Scrappers (1928)
Springtime (1923)
Steamboat Willie (1928)
Sure-Locked Homes (1928)
Sweet Adeline (1926)
Tall Timber (1928)
Tanks (1917)
The Tantalizing Fly (1919)
Tommy Tucker’s Tooth (1922)
Toot! Toot! (1926)
Tramp, Tramp, Tramp, the Boys are Marching (1926)
Trapped (1923)
Trolley Troubles (1927)
A Trip to Mars (1924)
Two-Lip Time (1926)
Uncle Sam and the Bolsheviki-I.W.W. Rat (1919)
Uncle Sam Donates for Liberty Loans (1919)
United Snakes of America (1917)
Us Fellers: Dud Leaves Home (1919)
Vacation (1924)
When the Midnight Choo-Choo Leaves for Alabam’ (1926)
Willi’s Nightmare (1928)
Winsor McCay, the Famous Cartoonist of the N.Y. Herald
and His Moving Comics
The Witch’s Cat (1929)
W.S.S. Thriftettes (1918)

Collections and boxsets that include silent era Animation films:
Accidentally Preserved, Volume 1 (1920-1931)
Accidentally Preserved, Volume 2 (1919-1929)
The Adventures of Oswald the Lucky Rabbit (1925-1929)
Alice in Cartoonland by Walt Disney (1925-1927)
Alice in Cartoonland:
The Original Alice Comedies by Walt Disney (1924-1927)
Animation Legend: Winsor McCay (1911-1921)
Cartoon Rarities of the 1920s (1917-1929)
Cartoon Roots (1907-1932)
Charley Bowers:
The Rediscovery of an American Comic Genius
The Complete Weird Cartoons (1910-1943)
Early Animation Pioneers (1915-1928)
Emile Cohl: L’agitateur aux mille images (1908-1918)
The Extraordinary World of Charley Bowers (1917-1940)
Farmer Al Falfa (1921-1929)
Felix! (1919-1928)
Felix the Cat (1923-1936)
Felix the Cat (1924-1936)
Felix the Cat: Early Cartoon Classics, Volume 1 (1922-1930)
Felix the Cat: Early Cartoon Classics, Volume 2 (1923-1930)
Felix the Cat: Early Cartoon Classics, Volume 3 (1924-1930)
Felix the Cat: Early Cartoon Classics, Volume 4 (1922-1928)
Felix the Cat: Futuritzy (1928-1950)
Felix the Cat Live! (1923-1929)
Felix the Cat, Vol. 1 (1923-1930)
Felix the Cat Woos Whoopee (1927-1930)
George Herriman’s Kinematic
Krazy Kat Kartoon Klassics (1916-1920)
Johnny Legend Presents
The Complete Weird Cartoons
Max Fleischer’s Famous Out of the Inkwell,
Volumes 1 & 2
Max Fleischer’s Famous Out of the Inkwell,
Volumes 1-4
Max Fleischer’s Famous Out of the Inkwell,
Volumes 3 & 4
Max Fleischer’s Ko-Ko Song Car-Tunes (1926)
More Treasures from American Film Archives (1894-1931)
The Movies Begin (1894-1913)
Mutt and Jeff: The Original Animated Odd Couple (1916-1930)
The Original Felix the Cat (1922-1930)
The Origins of Film (1900-1927)
Out of the Inkwell (1919-1933)
Out of the Inkwell (1919-1926)
Popeye the Sailor, 1933-1938, Volume One (1915-1938)
Presenting Felix the Cat:
The Otto Messmer Classics 1919-1924
Screening the Poor (1888-1914)
Silent Slapstick Comedy Parade, Volume 4 (1916-1927)
Treasures from American Film Archives (1893-1960)
Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film (1900-1934)
The Van Beuren Studio Animated Shorts (1929-1933)
Wild and Weird: 14 Fascinating and Innovative Films (1902-1965)
Winsor McCay: The Master Edition (1911-1921)

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Silent Era Home Page  >  Home Video  >  Info  >  Animation Films of the Silent Era on Home Video
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