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Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  The American Venus (1926)
Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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  Ford Sterling and Louise Brooks.
Photograph: Silent Era image collection.
The American Venus
(1926) United States of America
Color/B&W : Eight reels
Directed by Frank Tuttle

Cast: Esther Ralston [Mary Gray], Lawrence Gray [Chip Armstrong], Ford Sterling [Hugo Niles], Fay Lanphier [Miss Alabama], Louise Brooks [Miss Bayport], Edna May Oliver [Mrs. Niles], Kenneth MacKenna [Horace Niles], William B. Mack [John Gray], George De Carlton [Sam Lorber], W.T. Benda [artist], Ernest Torrence [King Neptune], Douglas Fairbanks Jr. [Triton]

Famous Players-Lasky Corporation production; distributed by Paramount Pictures Corporation. / Scenario by Frederick Stowers, from a screen story by Townsend Martin. Art direction by Frederick A. Foord. [?] Set design? by Larry Hitt [?] and/or Jo Mielziner? Cinematography by J. Roy Hunt. Presented by Adolph Zukor and Jesse L. Lasky. / Premiered 25 January 1926. Released 31 January 1926. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. Technicolor two-strip color process sequences. / The production was shot at Paramount’s Astoria Studios on Long Island, New York. Lanphier was the reigning Miss America at the time of production. The film also features contestants of the 1925 Atlantic City Miss America Beauty Pageant: Miss Bay Bridge, Miss Birmingham, Miss Bronx, Miss Newark, Miss San Francisco and Miss Seattle. Technicolor fragments from the film still exist. Two theatrical trailers for the film still exist.


Survival status: The film is presumed lost : Prints exist of two theatrical trailers for the film.

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Keywords: Color cinematography - USA: New Jersey: Atlantic City

Listing updated: 26 January 2015.

References: Basten-Technicolor p. 169; Drew-Speaking pp. 187, 197-198, 284; Katchmer-Eighty p. 562; Paris-Brooks pp. 4, 100, 110-114, 117, 140, 157, 166, 557 : AmerCine-199510 p. 99 : Website-IMDb : with additional information provided by Phillip Dye.

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