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Silent Era Films on Home Video
Reviews of silent film releases on home video.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett
and the Silent Era Company.
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This drama, directed by Marcel L’Herbier, stars Brigitte Helm and Marie Glory, with Yvette Guilbert, Pierre Alcover, Alfred Abel, Henry Victor, Pierre Juvenet, Antonin Artaud, Jules Berry and Raymond Rouleau.

coverFlicker Alley
2019 Blu-ray Disc edition

L’Argent (1928), black & white, 150 minutes, not rated, with Prométhée, — banquier (1921), color-tinted black & white, and black & white, 16 minutes, not rated, and Autour de l'argent (1928), black & white, 39 minutes, not rated.

Flicker Alley, FA0066, UPC 6-17311-68669-6.
One single-sided, dual-layered, Regions ABC Blu-ray Disc; 1.33:1 aspect ratio picture in pillarboxed 16:9 (1920 x 1080 pixels) 24 fps progressive scan image encoded in SDR AVC format at 29.4 Mbps average video bit rate; LPCM 2.0 stereo sound encoded at 1.5 Mbps audio bit rate; French language intertitles, optional English language subtitles; 14 chapter stops; 24-page insert booklet; standard BD keepcase; $39.95.
Release date: 16 August 2019.
Country of origin: USA

Ratings (1-10): video: 9 / audio: 9 / additional content: 9 / overall: 9.
This Blu-ray Disc edition has been prepared from a 4K scan of the original 35mm nitrate B-camera negative by Lobster Films, Paris, with the support of Marie-Ange L'Herbier (the director’s daughter), the Centre National du Cinéma et de l’image animée [CNC] and SACEM. The scans have been stabilized and digitally-cleaned of most speckling, dust, and other print issues. The results are excellent and significantly better visually than previously-released home video editions.

The film is accompanied by two optional music scores: one by Olivier Massot, performed by The National Orchestra of Lyon under the direction of Timothy Brock, and one compiled and arranged by Rodney Sauer and performed by The Mont Alto Motion Picture Orchestra. Both options are excellent and worth independent viewings.

Supplemental material includes the short film Prométhée, — banquier (1921) directed by Marcel L’Herbier; and a newly restored version of Autour de l'argent (1928), a 1928 documentary by Jean Dréville, with audio commentary by Dréville recorded in 1971 and two optional music scores, one with classical music and one by modern musicians Tempsion (39 minutes); a featurette on the 1971 and 2019 restorations of Autour de l'argent with Serge Bromberg, in French with optional English subtitles (5 minutes); a photo gallery (28 images); and a 24-page insert booklet with articles written by Mireille Beaulieu.

This is our recommended North American home video edition of the film.

This Regions ABC Blu-ray Disc edition is available directly from . . .
coverLobster Films
2019 Blu-ray Disc / DVD edition

L’Argent (1928), black & white, 150 minutes, not rated,
with Prométhée, — banquier (1921), color-tinted black & white, and black & white, 16 minutes, not rated, and Autour de l’argent (1928), black & white, 39 minutes, not rated.

Lobster Films,
unknown catalog number, unknown UPC number.
One single-sided, dual-layered, Region B Blu-ray Disc; 1.33:1 aspect ratio picture in pillarboxed 16:9 (1920 x 1080 pixels) 24 fps progressive scan image encoded in SDR AVC format at ? Mbps average video bit rate; DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 stereo sound encoded at ? Mbps audio bit rate; French language intertitles, no subtitles?; chapter stops; and two single-sided, dual-layered, Region 2 PAL DVD discs; 1.33:1 aspect ratio picture in full-frame 4:3 (720 x 576 pixels) interlaced scan image encoded in SDR MPEG-2 format at ? Mbps average video bit rate (capable of progressive scan upscaling to ? fps); Dolby Digital (AC3) 2.0 stereo sound encoded at ? Kbps audio bit rate; French language intertitles, no subtitles?; chapter stops; plastic disc trays? in cardboard wrapper with cardboard slipcase?; €29.95.
Release date: 5 July 2019.
Country of origin: France
This French Region B Blu-ray Disc and Region 2 PAL DVD edition has been prepared from a 4K scan of the original 35mm nitrate B-camera negative by Lobster Films, Paris, with the support of Marie-Ange L'Herbier (the director’s daughter), the French CNC and SACEM.

The film is accompanied by two optional music scores: one by Olivier Massot, performed by The National Orchestra of Lyon under the direction of Timothy Brock, and one compiled and arranged by Rodney Sauer and performed by The Mont Alto Motion Picture Orchestra.

Supplemental material includes the short film Prométhée, — banquier (1921) directed by Marcel L’Herbier; and a newly restored version of Autour de l'argent (1928), a 1928 documentary by Jean Dréville, with audio commentary by Dréville recorded in 1971 and two optional music scores, one with classical music and one by modern musicians Tempsion (39 minutes); a featurette on the 1971 and 2019 restorations of Autour de l'argent with Serge Bromberg (5 minutes); a photo gallery (28 images); and a 24-page booklet with articles written by Mireille Beaulieu.

As this is the originating release of the 2018 restoration version of the film and therefore identical in quality to the Flicker Alley edition noted above, (even sight unseen) this is our recommended European home video edition of the film. North American collectors will need a region-free Blu-ray Disc and/or a region-free PAL DVD player capable of outputting an NTSC-compatible signal to view this edition.

This Region 2 PAL DVD edition is available directly from . . .
coverEureka Entertainment
2008 DVD edition

L’Argent (1928), black & white, 165 minutes, BBFC Classification PG.

Eureka Entertainment,
EKA40298 (MoC 40), UPC 5-060000-40298-8.
One single-sided, dual-layered, Region 2 PAL DVD disc (two DVDs in the set); 1.33:1 aspect ratio picture in full-frame 4:3 (720 x 480 pixels) interlaced scan image encoded in SDR MPEG-2 format at 5.0 Mbps average video bit rate (capable of progressive scan upscaling to 25 fps); Dolby Digital (AC3) 5.0 surround sound encoded at 448 Kbps audio bit rate, and Dolby Digital (AC3) 2.0 stereo sound encoded at 256 Kbps audio bit rate; French language intertitles, optional English language subtitles; 15 chapter stops; 80-page insert booklet; standard two-disc DVD keepcase; £22.99.
Release date: 24 November 2008.
Country of origin: England

Ratings (1-10): video: 7 / audio: 8 / additional content: 9 / overall: 8.

This British Region 2 PAL DVD edition has been mastered from a fine-grain 35mm print struck from the original camera negative. The being the case, we are still a tiny bit disappointed in the picture quality of this edition. Whether intended or not, the video transfer shows faint signs of edge sharpening in addition to the image’s slightly smeary picture details. A very light amount of speckling, dust and emulsion scrapes remain but is far from distracting.

The film is accompanied by a music score improved and performed on piano by Jean-François Zygel, with added sound effects.

Supplemental material includes an introduction to the film by Jean-François Zygel, in French with English subtitles (3 minutes); About L’Argent, a 1928 documentary of the film’s production, in French with optional English subtitles (40 minutes); a documentary Marcel L’Herbiier: Poet of the Silent Art, including a brief archive tour and an interview with L’Herbier, in French with optional English subtitles (54 minutes); footage of Brigitte Helm’s arrival in Paris, presented silent (1 minute); a compilation of screen tests for the film, presented silent (17 minutes); a featurette on the accompaniment of silent films with Jean-François Zygel, in French with optional English subtitles (7 minutes); a demonstration of L’Herbier’s intended use of two 78rpm grammophone sound effects records into the presentation of the stock exchange scene (4 minutes); and a generously illustrated 80-page insert booklet with articles by Richard Abel, a 1968 print interview with L’Herbier, and excerpts from critical evaluations of the film.

The sheer amount of supplemental information makes this edition highly prized and it remains a recommended DVD home video edition of the film. However, on sheer visual quality alone, we recommend the Lobster Films DVD edition noted above to collectors of DVD exclusively. North American collectors will need a region-free PAL DVD player capable of outputting an NTSC-compatible signal to view this edition.

This Region 2 PAL DVD edition has been discontinued
and is . . .
coverCarlotta Films
2008 DVD edition

L’Argent (1928), black & white, 165 minutes, not rated, with Autour de l'argent (1928), black & white, ? minutes, not rated.

Carlotta Films,
unknown catalog number, unknown UPC number.
Two single-sided, dual-layered, Region 2 PAL DVD discs; 1.33:1 aspect ratio picture in full-frame 4:3 (720 x 576 pixels) interlaced scan image encoded in SDR MPEG-2 format at ? Mbps average video bit rate (capable of progressive scan upscaling to ? fps); Dolby Digital (AC3) 2.0 stereo sound encoded at ? Kbps audio bit rate; French language intertitles, no subtitles; chapter stops; plastic disc trays in cardboard wrapper with cardboard slipcase?; €29.95.
Release date: 24 April 2008.
Country of origin: France
This French Region 2 PAL DVD edition has been described as transferred from very-good print materials.

The film is accompanied by a music score improved and performed on piano by Jean-François Zygel, with added sound effects.

Supplemental material includes an introduction by Jean-François Zygel (3 minutes); other films by director Marcel l’Herbier; and a 1928 documentary of the production of the film by Jean Dréville (40 minutes); and a featurette on the accompaniment of silent films with Jean-François Zygel (7 minutes).

The disc was awarded the Best ‘Lost Silent’ DVD by Il Cinema Ritrovato.

North American collectors will need a region-free PAL DVD player capable of outputting an NTSC-compatible signal to view this edition.

This Region 2 PAL DVD edition has been discontinued
and is . . .
coverLooser Than Loose
2009? DVD edition

L’Argent (1928), black & white, 156 minutes, not rated.

Looser Than Loose Vintage Entertainment,
no catalog number, no UPC number.
Three single-sided, single-layered, Region 0 NTSC DVD-R discs; 1.33:1 aspect ratio picture in full-frame 4:3 (720 x 480 pixels) interlaced scan image encoded in SDR MPEG-2 format at ? Mbps average video bit rate (capable of progressive scan upscaling to ? fps); Dolby Digital (AC3) 2.0 stereo sound encoded at ? Kbps audio bit rate; French language intertitles, no subtitles; chapter stops; standard three-disc DVD keepcase; $25.00.
Release date: 2009?
Country of origin: USA
This DVD-R edition has been remastered from a Region 2 PAL DVD edition which has been described as transferred from excellent print materials (likely the Carlotta Films edition noted above).

The film is accompanied by a music score which has, presumably, been lifted from the French disc.

This Region 0 NTSC DVD-R edition has been discontinued
and is . . .
Other FRENCH FILMS of the silent era available on home video.
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