>  Publications  >  Scintillation 12
The Cameraman BD
Scintillation 12
Scintillation 12
Volume 4, Number 1
March 1977
Publication date:
28 April 1977
40 pages
8.5" x 11"
Saddle-stitched newsprint paper
Print run:
1200 copies
Copyright © 1977,
2001-2024 by Carl Bennett.
All rights revert to author and artist following publication of material.

While the original publication was Copyright © 1977 by Carl Bennett, the magazine was granted first publication rights only and the rights of ownership in the written and illustrated material reverted back to the authors and artists upon publication. We only thought it equitable that the creators should control their creations. Before all of the material can be included in this online representation of the original magazine, we must obtain reprint rights from the writers and artists or their estates.

We are attempting to locate:
Brian Aldiss
Douglas Barbour
Elinor Busby
George Alec Effinger
Joe Haldeman
David Ossman
Charles Ryan

Cover illustration and design: Carl Bennett.


Caviary: A Column
By George Alec Effinger
Awaiting reprint authorization.

An Interview with Firesign Theatre’s David Ossman
By Daniel DePrez
Awaiting reprint authorization.

Milford ’76
By Elinor Busby
Awaiting reprint authorization.

Book Reviews
By Carl Bennett (coming soon), Bob Gilbert and Bruce Townley (coming soon)
Awaiting reprint authorization.

Dribblings: Editorial
By Carl Bennett
— Coming soon.

Backtalk: Letters
Letters from Brian Aldiss, Douglas Barbour, Philip K. Dick, Axel Gautier, Joe Haldeman, Jeff Frane and Charles Ryan.
Awaiting reprint authorization.
Letters from Mike Glicksohn and Ted White will not be reprinted.

Piss and Vinegar in Wonderland
Open letters by Arthur Byron Cover, Harlan Ellison and John Shirley will not be reprinted.

Pointless Hostility
By John Shirley
Column will not be reprinted, by author’s request.