>  Publications
The Cameraman BD

An online collection of magazines and periodicals published or copublished by Carl Bennett.

Copyright © 2001-2024 
by Carl Bennett. All Rights Reserved.

Cinemonkey 18-19: The issue was never published.


Fictum Miraculum 1 - July 1975
Dork-Pizzle 1 - August 1975
Dork-Pizzle 2 - September 1975
Dork-Pizzle 3 - October 1975
Dork-Pizzle 4 - November 1975
The Useless Diatribe 1 - November 1975
Universe SF Review 6 - November-December 1975
Dork-Pizzle 5 - December 1975
Dork-Pizzle 6 - January 1976
SF Booklog 7 - January-February 1976
Scintillation 7 - February 1976
The Useless Diatribe 2 - ? 1976
Scintillation 8 - March 1976
SF Booklog 8 - March-April 1976
Scintillation 9 - June 1976
Scintillation 10 - September 1976
The Last Dangerous Dork-Pizzle - December 1976
Scintillation 11 - December 1976
Again, The Last Dangerous Dork-Pizzle - February 1977
Scintillation 12 - March 1977
Scintillation 13 - June 1977
Scintillation 14 - Never published
Cinemonkey 15 - Fall 1978
Cinemonkey 16 - Winter 1979
Cinemonkey 17 - Spring 1979
Cinemonkey 18-19 - Never published

Scintillation was in the top 10 list of SF fanzines for 1977 as noted by Locus magazine.