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Progressive Silent Film List
A growing source of silent era film information.
This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
All Rights Reserved.

PSFL Online Media


The following is an index to Progressive Silent Film List listings with embedded code to facillitate online viewing of complete feature films, exerpts from feature films, complete short films, and audio soundtracks directly from PSFL pages.

We do not claim any public performance rights to these films. Most, if not all, of these films are in the public domain. Online access to their content is by courtesy of the hosting service and of the individual poster of the video content. Some third-party videos will also disappear without notice and thus we do not guarantee ongoing online access to third-party videos.

Abwege (1928)
Alice and the Dog Catcher (1924)
Alice and the Three Bears (1924)
Alice Cans the Cannibals (1925)
Alice Gets in Dutch (1924)
Alice Gets Stung (1925)
Alice in Wonderland (1903)
Alice in the Jungle (1925)
Alice’s Wild West Show (1924)
Alice’s Wonderland (1923)
Alice the Peacemaker (1924)
Alice the Toreador (1925)
The American Venus (1926)
Ameta (1903)
Les Amours de la Reine Elisabeth (1912)
Amy Muller (1896)
Andy’s Stump Speech (1924)
Animated Hair Cartoon, No. 18 (1925)
Annie Oakley (1894)
April Fool (1924)
An Awful Moment (1908)
Balloons (1923)
The Bank Robbery (1908)
A Bashful Bigamist (1920)
Beatrice Fairfax (1916)
[Beverly Hills Board Track Racing] (1921)
Beyond the Rocks (1922)
The Big Show (1926)
Big Stakes (1922)
Billy and His Pal (1911)
[Blackmail Sound Test] (1929)
Blacksmith Scene (1893)
Bliss (1917)
The Blue Eagle (1926)
Border River (1919)
The Boxing Cats (1894)
Breezing Along (1927)
Brennan of the Moor (1913)
Bubbles (1922)
Bucking Broadway (1917)
Bucking Broncho (1894)
Buffalo Dance (1894)
The Burning Stable (1896)
By Might of His Right (1915)
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920)
Captain Jinks, the Cobbler (1916)
[Captain Umpteblojowski] (192?)
Careful Please (1926)
Carmencita (1894)
Cenerentola (1913)
The Chechahcos (1924)
Clara Cleans Her Teeth (1926)
Cleopatra (1912)
Cleopatra (1917)
The Clown’s Little Brother (1920)
The Clown’s Pup (1919)
The Colleen Bawn (1911)
The Confederate Ironclad (1912)
Cook, Papa, Cook (1928)
Coquette (1929)
A Corner in Wheat (1909)
Crissie Sheridan (1897)
The Cure (1924)
Cymbeline (1913)
Daniel (1921)
[Dickson Greeting] (1891)
The Dippy Dentist (1920)
Dough and Dynamite (1914)
The Draw-Back (1927)
The Drunkard’s Child (1909)
The Edison Kinetophone (1913)
Edison Kinetoscopic Record of a Sneeze (1894)
The Edison Minstrels (1913)
Ella Cinders (1926)
Ella Lola, a la Trilby (1898)
The Enchanted Drawing (1900)
The Eviction (1904)
Falling Leaves (1912)
False Alarm (1923)
Fantômas (1913)
Fast and Furious (1924)
The Fatal Ring (1917)
Feeding the Doves (1896)
Fiddlesticks (1926)
Figures de cire (1914)
Fishing (1921)
The Fitzsimmons-Jeffries Fight (1899)
Flesh and Blood (1922)
For Ireland’s Sake (1914)
The Four Musicians of Bremen (1922)
Frankenstein (1910)
Fun in a Bakery Shop (1902)
Gans-Herman Fight (1907)
The Girls and Daddy (1909)
Going! Going! Gone!! (1919)
Going to the Fire (1896)
Der Golem (1915)
Golf (1922)
The Grate Impeeryul Sirkus (1914)
The Great Train Robbery (1903)
Gussle’s Wayward Path (1915)
Gus Visser and His Singing Duck (1925)
Hamlet (1913)
He Died and He Didn’t (1916)
Hell Bent (1918)
Herald Square (1896)
Her Private Affair (1929)
Hey There (1918)
His Mother (1912)
How Jones Lost His Roll (1905)
How the Cowboy Makes His Lariat (1917)
How the Old Woman Caught the Omnibus (1903)
H2O (1929)
Indoor Sports (1921)
In Nacht und Eis (1912)
Interrupted Love Affair (1896)
The Invaders (1912)
Invisible Ink (1921)
Ireland, a Nation (1914)
The Iron Mask (1929)
The Italian (1915)
Jack’s Joke (1913)
Jonah Jones (1924)
The Jonah Man (1904)
Jumping Beans (1922)
Just a Shabby Doll (1913)
The Kiss (1914)
Ko-Ko Gets Egg-cited (1926)
Ko-Ko’s Earth Control (1928)
Ko-Ko’s Field Daze (1928)
Kurutta ippêji (1926)
The Lad from Old Ireland (1910)
The Leonard-Cushing Fight (1894)
[Le Prince Motion Picture No. 1] (1888)
The Little Match Seller (1902)
The Locked Door (1929)
The Lonedale Operator (1911)
Looking for Trouble (1919)
The Lost City (1920)
The Lost World (1925)
Lots of Water (1926)
The Love Flower (1920)
Luis Martinetti (1894)
Making a Stetson (1925)
The Making of an American (1920)
Mary Jane’s Mishap; or, Don’t Fool with Paraffin (1901)
The Masked Rider (1919)
The May Irwin Kiss (1896)
Mechanical Doll (1922)
The Morning Bath; or, Bathing the Baby (1896)
Mother Goose Land (1924)
A Movie Trip Through Film Land (1921)
The Musical Blacksmiths (1913)
My Boy (1921)
My Official Wife (1914)
[Newark Athlete] (1891)
The Nickel-Hopper (1926)
The Non-Skid Kid (1922)
Not Wanted (1924)
Nursery Favorites (1913)
Nursing a Viper (1909)
Old Ironsides (1926)
On the Fire (1919)
Our Modern Maidens (1929)
Papa’s Boy (1927)
The Peach-Basket Hat (1909)
Perpetual Motion (1920)
Piccadilly (1929)
Plane Crazy (1928)
Poor Little Rich Girl (1917)
Post No Bills (1923)
Preservation of the Sign Language (1913)
The Pride of Palomar (1922)
Queen of the Northwoods (1929)
A Race for a Kiss (1904)
The Rat’s Knuckles (1925)
Rescued by Rover (1905)
The Ropin’ Fool (1922)
Rory O’More (1911)
Sandow (1894)
Santa Claus (1898)
Sanz y el secreto de su arte (1918)
Scarlet Days (1919)
Shennü (1934)
She Would Be an Actress (1909)
Shooting the Chutes (1896)
Silent Heroes (1913)
Sioux Ghost Dance (1894)
The Skeleton Dance (1929)
Sold at Auction (1923)
Springtime Saps (1929)
S.S. “Coptic” Running Against the Storm (1898)
The Struggle (1913)
The Sultan’s Wife (1917)
Summers-Welsh Fight (1909)
A Temporary Truce (1912)
Tenderloin at Night (1899)
Ten Dollars or Ten Days (1924)
Le théâtre de petit Bob (1906)
Those Country Kids (1914)
Through the Breakers (1909)
The Tiger’s Trail (1919)
Tilly the Tomboy Visits the Poor (1910)
Too Many Kisses (1925)
Traffic Crossing Leeds Bridge (1888)
The Trail of the Octopus (1919)
A Trip Down Market Street (1906)
Trip to Mars (1924)
Turkish Dance, Ella Lola (1898)
Underground (1928)
Undressing Extraordinary (1901)
An Unexpected Guest (1909)
The Village Blacksmith (1922)
A Visit to Peek Frean & Co. (1906)
The Wandering Toy (1928)
Way Down East (1920)
West of Zanzibar (1928)
What Happened on Twenty-Third Street, New York City (1901)
Within Our Gates (1920)
Xiao Wanyi (1933)
X-Rays (1897)
You Remember Ellen (1912)
Zapatas Bande (1914)
Other video footage on the Silent Era website:

View Davidson-Jumeaux three-color process test footage from 1902
View Kodachrome two-color process test footage from 1922
Watch the first episode of Harold Lloyd: The Third Genius (1989)
Interview with actress Lita Grey
Interview with actress Anita Page

Other films available for viewing on external websites:
Accuracy First (1928)
Birth of a Hat (1920)
Brilliantino the Bullfighter (1922)
Charming Display at Perfect Back Contest (1928)
China and the Chinese, Part 2 (1917)
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