Umirajuseij Lebed’ (Умирающий лебедь)
Also known as Kuoleva joutsen in Finland; Der sterbende Schwan in Germany; Den døende svane in Norway; Umierajacy labedz in Poland; The Dying Swan in the United Kingdom : [Umirayushchii Lebed’], [Den döende svanen]
(1917) Russia
B&W : [?] Four? reels
Directed by Evgenii Bauer
Cast: Vera Karalli [Gisella], Aleksandr Kheruvimov [her father], Vitold Polonskii [Viktor Krasovskii], Andrej Gromov [Valerii Glinskii, the artist], Ivan Perestiani [Glinskii’s friend]
A. Khanzhonkov and Company production. / Produced by Aleksandr Khanzhonkov. Scenario by Zoya Barantsevich. Cinematography by Boris Savelyev. / Released 17 January 1917. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The film was released in Finland on 19 March 1917.
Survival status: Print exists.
Current rights holder: (unknown)
Keywords: Dancers
Listing updated: 31 August 2018.
References: Shipman-Cinema p. 62 : Website-IMDb.
Home video: DVD.