Photograph: Silent Era image collection.
Over the Hill
to the Poorhouse
Also known as [Over the Hill] : {Over the Hill to the Poor House}
(1920) United States of America
B&W : 11 reels / [?] 6800? feet
Directed by Harry Millarde
Cast: Mary Carr [Ma Benton], William Welsh [Pa Benton], Sheridan Tansey (James Sheridan) [Isaac, as a boy], Noel Tearle [Isaac, as a young man], Stephen Carr [Thomas, as a boy], John Dwyer [Thomas, as a young man], Jerry Devine [John, as a boy], John Walker [John, as a young man], James Sheldon [Charles, as a boy], Wallace Ray [Charles, as a young man], Rosemary Carr [Rebecca, as a child], Phyllis Diller [Rebecca, as a young woman], Maybeth Carr [Susan, as a child], Louella Carr [Susan, as a young woman], Vivienne Osborne [Isabella Strong], Dorothy Allen [Aguilitia], Edna Murphy [Lucy]
Fox Film Corporation production; distributed by Fox Film Corporation. / Scenario by Paul H. Sloane, from the poems “Over the Hill to the Poorhouse” and “Over the Hill from the Poorhouse” by Will Carleton. Cinematography by Hal Sintzenich and George Schneiderman. Presented by William Fox. / © 26 September 1920 by William Fox [LP15624]. © 26 September 1920 by William Fox [LP15753]. Released 17 September 1920. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / Copyrighted under the listed title and as Over the Hill. [?] The film may have been rereleased as Over the Hill by Fox Film Corporation.
Synopsis: Synopsis available in AFI-F1 n. F1.3322.
Survival status: (unknown)
Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].
Listing updated: 10 January 2011.
References: AFI-F1 n. F1.3322 : ClasIm-220 p. 41; ClasIm-301 p. 10.