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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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Old Peg Leg’s Will
(1915) United States of America
B&W : Two reels
Directed by Francis Ford

Cast: Francis Ford [‘Peg Leg’], Grace Cunard [Grace], Mark Fenton [Grace’s father], Mr. Denecke (Ervin Denecke) [Grace’s sweetheart]

[?] New York Motion Picture Company? production; distributed by The Universal Film Manufacturing Company, Incorporated [101-Bison]. / Scenario by Grace Cunard. / Released 23 January 1915. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.

Drama: Western.

Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? Grace, a rosy-cheeked western girl, has been sent east to school. While she lived with her father in a far-western mining town the old man lived peaceably but soon after her departure he recommenced his old life and became involved in several saloon brawls. Just before his daughter is due to return from the east the old man engages in a free-for-all gun fight and kills a man. Realizing he will be strung up by the vigilance committee the old man shoots himself rather than subject his daughter to the shame of his public execution. Grace returns and is heartbroken over her father’s death. Her sweetheart offers her some consolation but is too busily engaged in “sparking” with the other town girls to linger long with the young woman who has given him so much. About this time Old Peg Leg, a recluse prospector who lives in the hills about the mining camp, comes into town with some gold nuggets as large as eggs. The news quickly spreads that Peg Leg has “struck it rich.” All the miners and young men in the town attempt to follow Peg Leg to his mine but the old prospector is too wise for them and disappears in the gathering darkness. Meanwhile Grace, heartbroken at her father’s death and her former sweetheart’s desertion, determines to leave the town and to make a start elsewhere. She is several miles from town along the wagon trail leading to the railroad when a heavy storm comes up. A lightning flash reveals a shanty not far up in the hills and Grace makes for this place of refuge. Although she does not know it, Grace has stumbled into Peg Leg’s shanty. His mine is not far away. Old Peg Leg, when he has assured himself that Grace is not trying to find out the location of his mine, welcomes her heartily and stumps about the cabin on his good and bad legs getting her something to eat. Grace thanks the old recluse for his hospitality and when a lull comes in the storm leaves his shanty and starts out again on the trail. Hardly has she gotten out of sight of the cabin when the storm bursts again in renewed fury. Grace hastens back to the cabin and finds the roof of Peg Leg’s shelter smashed in by a piece of ledge rock which overhung the cabin. Grace finds old Peg Leg mortally injured by the fall of rock. After trying to revive him she starts to town for a doctor. Everyone in the town is gold mad and Grace, unable to find a doctor, gets some remedies at the local drug store and returns to Peg Leg. She finds him dying fast. The old man realizing his end is near draws up a will in which he leaves his possessions to Grace in return for her kindnesses. When he is about to describe in the will the location of the mine his strength fails and soon after he dies. Grace takes charge of Peg Leg’s affairs and tries to find the mine but is unsuccessful. Believing the burro will lead her to the mine if left to his own devices Grace attempts to mount him. The burro objects and Grace is finally compelled to disguise herself as Peg Leg, even to his stumpy leg, before the burro will help her out. This time the burro lets her mount and sets out without bidding for the top of the cliff. Arriving at the top of the hill he stops. Grace dismounts and finds a faint trail marked by the tracks of the peg leg. Finally she stumbles over the entrance to the boarded up mine.

Reviews: [The Moving Picture World, 23 January 1915, page ?] A two-reel number written by Grace Cunard which tells a somewhat obvious but entertaining story. The girl heroine, played by Miss Cunard, is repelled by the tough life about her at the Western hotel and runs away, after donning boy’s clothes. She comes to the cabin of Old Peg-Leg, a unique character portrayed by Francis Ford. He owns a rich mining property and makes the girl his heir. There is considerable action in the last reel, all ot the scenes being well-photographed.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 22 May 2024.

References: ClasIm-224 p. 43 : Website-IMDb.

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