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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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(1917) United States of America
B&W : Two reels
Directed by Arvid E. Gillstrom

Cast: Billy West [Billy, the new baker], Ethel Burton (Ethel Marie Burton) [Ethel, the cashier], Babe Hardy (Oliver Hardy) [Babe, the chef], Leo White [Camembert, the proprietor], Budd Ross (Bud Ross) [Boob, the assistant], Florence McLoughlin (Florence McLaughlin) [the waitress], Joe Cohen [Pierre], Frank Bates [Pierre’s pal]

King-Bee Films Corporation production; distributed on State Rights basis by King-Bee Films Corporation [King-Bee Comedies]. / Produced by Louis Burstein. Cinematography by Herman Obrock Jr. Film editor, Ben H. Cohen. / Released 15 June 1917. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.


Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? It was not Ethel’s fault that she caused hostilities between all the men at Camembert’s Bakery and Lunch Room. She simply had to flirt with men and every man she smiled at swore to have her as his own or die. When, however, Pierre, the excitable Italian baker tried to force Ethel to keep away from Babe, the sweet young cashier refused, and told Pierre many things not exactly complimentary. So when Billy happened to enter the bakery in search of a “hand out” he interrupted Pierre in the gentle game of choking Ethel. Billy hands Pierre a few swift jolts that result in the undoing of Pierre, much to the delight of Ethel and Camembert, the proprietor. After a few smiles from Ethel, Billy hires himself as a baker, thereby immediately incurring the hostility of Babe. Billy attempts feats of bakery unheard of, and succeeds in making the most wonderful designs in pies and crullers. Everything goes fine until Billy pushes the boob into the bake ovens, causing the boob’s trousers to catch fire. Then in the attempt to quench the flames, Billy manages to drench the proprietor with a bucket of water. These little things help to put Billy in wrong with everybody but Ethel, who still smiles at him. The real trouble occurs when Babe discovers that Ethel has not only flirted with Billy but has actually kissed him. Babe allies himself on the side of Camembert and the Boob, and all three declare war on the hapless Billy. Billy succeeds in passing through the blockade and reaches the bakery intent only on “safety first.” In the bakery, however, he finds escape cut off by Pierre and a pal who have returned to blow up the establishment. With the two forces closing down on him, Billy is powerless and only by use of judicious sprinting and good headwork did Billy finally manage to escape.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 10 August 2023.

References: Website-IMDb.

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