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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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The Dancing Girl of Butte
(1910) United States of America
B&W : One reel / 984 feet
Directed by D.W. Griffith

Cast: Florence Barker [Bella], Owen Moore [Howard Raymond], Mack Sennett [a man in the newsroom], Charles Craig [a man in the music hall], Frank Evans [a man in the music hall], Francis J. Grandon [a man in the music hall], W. Chrystie Miller [a man in the music hall], William A. Quirk (Billy Quirk) [a man in the music hall], Linda Arvidson, John R. Cumpson

Biograph Company production; distributed by Biograph Company. / Scenario by [?] D.W. Griffith? Cinematography by G.W. Bitzer. / © 8 January 1910 by Biograph Company [J136851]. Released 6 January 1910. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.

Drama: Western.

Synopsis: [The Moving Picture World, 8 January 1910, page ?] Some of the most important triumphs in the world’s history were attained through an accident, and very often the whole course of one’s future is induced by a slight mishap. Such, indeed, was the experience of the hero and heroine of this Biograph subject. Bella is a dancer in a music ball at Butte. She is pretty, light-hearted, and yet possessed of a refined nature that commands a respect not looked for in such surroundings. Strolling through the city park one morning, she steps on an uneven spot in the path and turns her ankle. Her cry of pain brings to her aid Howard Raymond, who assists her to her home. Bella’s demure manner and pretty face appeal to Howard, and he realizes it is a case of love at first sight. Bella, herself, is deeply impressed with the young man the accident has caused her to meet. However, she realizes her position and dissipates all serious thoughts on the matter. Howard, who is a newspaper artist and an enthusiast in all respects, tells his fellow artists of his love for the unknown girl. They, being used to his impetuousness, simply smile. On this occasion he is in earnest, and hastening back to the girl’s house, he surprises her in her dance hall attire. This she explains by making him believe that she is a member of a traveling dramatic company. Well, it is the old story. The accident was simply a trick of Cupid to bring two hearts together, and they are betrothed. They exchange photographs, and when he shows her picture to his friends they recognize in it the dancing girl. So they go to the girl and ask her to give him up. This she is loath to do, admitting that while she has danced at the hall, the work was detestable. Finding her unwilling to repulse his suit, they tell Howard of her calling, which he does not believe, and knocks one of them down for what he regards an insult. The girl, however, in honesty enters and admit the truth, taking the artist to the place where she works. What a blow to the poor fellow, and he turns from her with a crushed heart. Cut to the quick by his repulsion, she tells him that although she has been forced to earn a living in this fusion, she is through with it all, and while her soul is pure she will leave it. The sincerity of her tone softens the young man, and turning, he takes her in his arms. His friends smile derisively and leave the hall. Two years later the artist’s two friends are sitting in the park, when a young couple pass pushing a perambulator containing a baby. One of them exclaims: “Look! Raymond and the dancing girl. Well, I’ll be mowed!”

Synopsis: [From Biograph promotional materials] The Biograph here presents a story of real life, showing how a mere accident may change the course of a life. The girl is forced to earn a living by dancing in a Western hall, and while strolling through the park turns her ankle. Her misfortune brings to her aid a young newspaper artist. It is love at first sight. He knows nothing of her occupation, and when his friends reveal to him her calling he is inclined to repulse her. This she takes with resignation, but she makes it clear that while she was forced to do this work, it was repugnant and expresses a determination to leave it all while her soul was pure. So sincere do her words sound that the young man relents and takes her to his heart. Later we find them strolling through the same park the happy parents of a young and hopeful. • [The Moving Picture World, 22 January 1910, page 91] A drama of considerable power which tells an interesting love story, though perhaps one may be permitted to say that it is not so strong as most of the Biograph productions. It tells of the love of a newspaper artist for a dancing girl, and exhibits a strongly dramatic picture when he discovers the truth regarding her occupation; but she convinces him of her purity and sincerity and they are married. Visible evidence is afforded afterward that in this instance, at least, the marriage was happy. While it is not a great film, it is well acted and the photography is clear and the situations are satisfactorily worked out. The film ends happily, which is an important point in pleasing the public.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 23 January 2025.

References: Barry-Griffith p. 42; Spehr-American p. 1 : MovPicWorld-19100108 pp. 20, 26 : Website-AFI; Website-IMDb.

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