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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
All Rights Reserved.
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  Lionel Barrymore and Carol Dempster.
Photograph: Silent Era image collection.
Also known as Love and Sacrifice in the United Kingdom : [America: 1776]
(1924) United States of America
B&W : 15 reels / 14,700 feet
Directed by D.W. Griffith

Cast: Neil Hamilton [Nathan Holden], Carol Dempster [Nancy Montague], Lionel Barrymore [Captain Walter Butler], Erville Alderson [Justice Montague, Nancy’s father], Louis Wollheim [Captain Hare], Charles Emmett Mack [Justice Charles Philip Edward Montague, Nancy’s brother], Arthur Dewey [George Washington], Harry O’Neill [Paul Revere], Lee Beggs [Samuel Adams], John Dunton [John Hancock], Arthur Donaldson [King George III], Charles Bennett [William Pitt], Downing Clarke [Lord Chamberlain], Frank Walsh [Thomas Jefferson], Frank McGlynn Jr. [Patrick Henry], P.R. Scammon [Richard Henry Lee], Sydney Deane [Sir Ashley Montague], W.W. Jones [General Gage], Edward Roseman [Captain Montour], Harry Semels [Hikatoo], Henry Van Bousen [John Parker], Hugh Baird [Major Pitcairn], James Milady [Jonas Parker], H. Koser [Captain Hare], Michael Donavan [Major General Warren], Riley Hatch [Joseph Brant], H. Paul Doucet [Marquis de Lafayette], William S. Rising [Edmund Burke], Daniel Carney [Miss Montague’s servant], E. Scanlon [Ashley Court servant], Emil Hoch [Lord North], Lucille La Verne [a refugee mother], Edwin Holland [Major Strong], Milton Noble [an old patriot], Edward Dillon

D.W. Griffith, Incorporated, production; distributed by United Artists Corporation. / Produced by D.W. Griffith. Scenario by Robert W. Chambers, from a screen story by Robert W. Chambers. Historical arrangement by John L.E. Pell. Art direction by Charles M. Kirk. Director of construction, William J. Bantel. Scenic artist, Charles E. Boss. Matte painter, Warren Newcombe. Assistant directors, Herbert Sutch and Frank Walsh. Cinematography by G.W. Bitzer, Hendrick Sartov, Marcel Le Picard and Hal S. Sintzenich. Akeley camera operator, Vincent J. Farrar. Stills photographer, Frank J. Diem. Studio projectionist, Benjamin Turner. Film editors, James Smith and Rose Smith. Music score arranged by Joseph Carl Breil + [Adolph Fink]. Presented by D.W. Griffith. / © 1 May 1924 (at 14 reels) by D.W. Griffith, Incorporated [LP20288]. Premiered 21 February 1924 at the 44th Street Theatre in New York, New York. General release (at 12 reels), 17 August 1924. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The film was edited by Griffith after its premiere to 13 reels (12,600 feet), and later to 11 reels. The film was banned by the British Board of Film Censors in 1924. The surviving British version differs from the American release in stressing Butler’s American birth and did not emphasize his disfavor with the British.

Drama: Historical: Revolutionary War.

Survival status: Prints exist in the Museum of Modern Art film archive (of the British Love and Sacrifice version); in the film holdings of Cohen Media Group (Raymond Rohauer collection) [35mm positive]; in the film holdings of Film Preservation Associates (of the British Love and Sacrifice version); and in private film collections [8mm reduction positives].

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Keywords: History: USA: American Revolutionary War (1775-1783) - Native Americans - People: Samuel Adams, John Hancock, Thomas Jefferson - Presidents: USA: George Washington - Royalty: Kings (King George III) - United Kingdom: England - USA

Listing updated: 25 February 2017.

References: Film credits, film viewing : Baer-Film p. 7; Bardèche-History p. 202; Barry-Griffith pp. 32, 33, 71, 73; Brownlow-Parade pp. 80-81, 93, 578; Everson-American pp. 52, 87, 189, 190, 246d, 256; Lahue-Triangle p. 106; Limbacher-Feature p. 7; LoC-MoPic-2 p. 21; Maltin-Classic p. 17; Pitts-Hollywood pp. 6, 38, 39-41, 89, 176; Robertson-British p. 186; Shipman-Cinema p. 82; Sweeney-Coming p. 70 : Website-AFI; Website-IMDb.

Home video: DVD.

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