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Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  A Warrior Bold (1910)
Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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A Warrior Bold
(1910) United States of America
B&W : Split-reel / 475 feet
Directed by (unknown)

Cast: (unknown)

Edison Manufacturing Company production; distributed by Edison Manufacturing Company. / © 14 January 1910 by Edison Manufacturing Company [J137406, J137407, J137408]. Released 14 January 1910; in a split-reel with The Parson’s Umbrella (1910) and Troop “B,” 15th U.S. Cavalry Bareback Squad in the “Monkey Drill” at Fort Myer, VA. (1910). / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / Edison production number 6573.


Synopsis: [The Moving Picture World, 15 January 1910, page ?] Major Bradley, a veteran of the Civil War, is congratulated by his comrades of the post on his birthday anniversary. They partake of liquid refreshment and the Major leaves them, promising to be present at the banquet they have arranged in his honor that afternoon. As he passes along the street he meets a small boy who has been playing ‘soldier’ and whose flag has been broken in a tussle with a street gamin. The Major takes him into a toy store to buy him a new flag. Here he meets the proprietor, another veteran, and an argument arises as to whether Longstreet was up the hill or down in a certain engagement in which both veterans took part. In illustrating his version of the battle the Major waxes vigorous and breaks a number of toys. Apologizing to the toy man the Major pays the damage and goes on his way. At the end of the banquet that afternoon he is called on for a war story and, quite naturally, he selects his favorite hobby as the theme. He again discusses the vexed question of Longstreet’s position and in describing the battle, in order to settle the argument which ensues, he smashes everything on the table which, in his excitement, he uses as a platform. The French proprietor of the restaurant has him arrested and brought to the night court. Here he illustrates to the judge the cause of the trouble, and puts the court to rout. He is discharged by the good-natured judge for his distinguished services to his country, and it is recommended that he receive eight hours’ refreshing sleep.

Reviews: [The Moving Picture World, 29 January 1910, page ?] A veteran of any war is a favored individual, and the one here represented is no exception to the general feeling on that point. If he were not, clearly he would not be permitted to smash things when describing his battles and then get clear. This picture is true to life, representing graphically the action of veterans in their arguments over how certain battles, or portions of battles, were fought. Interesting because it is a transcript from life, this picture will please audiences wherever it is shown. The acting and the photography are both so good that no question of its general excellence will arise.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 5 April 2024.

References: MovPicWorld-19100108 p. 28 : Website-AFI.

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