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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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The Waif
(1913) United States of America
B&W : One reel
Directed by Raymond B. West

Cast: Anna Little (Ann Little) [Mary Dawson]

New York Motion Picture Company production; distributed by Mutual Film Corporation [Kay-Bee]. / Produced by Thomas H. Ince. Scenario by J.G. Hawks. / Released 12 September 1913. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.

Drama: Western.

Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? We see a lone “prairie schooner,” partly overturned, in a sandstorm and in it, a dying consumptive boy in the arms of his sister. After the storm is over, we see her patting the last few stones on his lonely grave, trudging off upon the prairie, changing into her brother’s clothes as a disguise, and finally arriving at the lonely hut of a prospector, which she searches for food. Presently, the prospector returns, penetrates her disguise in a glance through the window, but comes in with a pretense that he has not done so. He makes her entirely welcome under the assumption that she is a boy, and finally insists upon her remaining for the night, while he sleeps outside. A well-known horse thief and desperado happens to be escaping from a recent outrage in a mining town, comes riding down upon the cabin, climbs through the window, struggles with the girl, runs out of the door into another struggle with the young prospector. In the ensuing running fight, he shoots the prospector upon the brink of a cliff and is, in turn shot by the girl. The prospector is nursed by the girl, who finally leaves him to join her father, another prospector, who has struck it rich. Later, the younger man hunts them up, when finally recovered from his wound, and there is a very pretty bit of lovemaking between them.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Keywords: Children: Waifs

Listing updated: 11 October 2023.

References: Website-IMDb.

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