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Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  The Wages of Sin, An Italian Tragedy (1908)
Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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The Wages of Sin, An Italian Tragedy
(1908) United States of America
B&W : One reel / 990 feet
Directed by (unknown)

Cast: (unknown)

The Vitagraph Company of America production; distributed by The Vitagraph Company of America. / © 9 September 1908 by The Vitagraph Company of America [H115456]. Released 12 September 1908. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.


Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? Our story opens at Villa Romani in Naples, showing the betrothal of Fabio and Nina. The couple are to all appearances deeply in love with one another. The marriage ceremony takes place. Nina enters on her father’s arm, while Fabio and his friend Guido approach from the opposite direction. Greetings are exchanged and Guido is presented to Nina. Both are visibly affected. It is love at first sight. The ceremony finished, the happy couple receive the benediction of the priest and depart. In his gardens, Fabio and Guido are drinking as Nina enters; she asks her husband to post a letter and as he departs on the errand, the fickle wife throws herself into Guido’s arms. The couple stroll about the gardens for awhile, then enter the house. Fabio falls a victim of cholera, is brought to his home by four men. A priest accompanies them and begs to be admitted with the body which is believed to be dead. The request is refused, the priest and his men driven away. They proceed to the family tomb and deposit the body therein. In a short time, Fabio moves inside the coffin, struggles, finally frees himself and escapes from the vault. He proceeds to his own home, secretes himself behind the trees and from his hiding place watches his false friend and wife. He listens, with expressions of anger, jealousy and revenge on his face. He goes to an old costumer’s shop, secures an outfit, including a wig and dark glasses, and starts out for revenge. At the Villa, Nina is seated on a sofa as Guido enters. She greets him affectionately and shortly after a number of guests arrive, among them Fabio, disguised as Count Olivia, and are presented. The disguised husband bestows his smiles and flattery upon Nina, who accepts his attentions in a coquettish manner. The couple go to the summer garden and are there discovered in loving embrace by Guido. He draws a stiletto and is about to stab Nina when his arm is seized by one of his guests. A duel is arranged and in a clearing in the woods the principals and their seconds proceed. They remove their coats and select their pistols. Count Olivia removes his glasses and as he takes his position is recognized by his adversary. As he sees Fabio before him, Guido is horror-stricken, his hands tremble as he raises his revolver. At the drop of a handkerchief both men fire and Guido falls over dead. With his rival out of the way, Olivia returns to Nina and we see them going through the marriage ceremony. To fully carry out his revenge, Olivia takes Nina to the tomb which is supposed to contain Fabio’s body. She goes in against her will. When inside Olivia locks the door, removes the wig, beard and glasses and stands before her as Fabio. She pleads for forgiveness, but is cast roughly aside. Fabio then goes out and locks the door, leaving his faithless wife to die of starvation.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 26 June 2023.

References: Website-AFI; Website-IMDb.

Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  The Wages of Sin, An Italian Tragedy (1908)
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