Turksib (Турксиб)
(1929) Soviet Union
B&W : Feature film
Directed by V.A. Turin (Viktor A. Turin)
Cast: (unknown)
Vostokkino production; distributed by [?] Vostokkino? / Scenario by Yakov Aron and Viktor Shklovskii [?] + [Aleksandr Macheret and V.A. Turin (Viktor A. Turin)]? Assistant director, Yefim Aron. Cinematography by B.V. Frantison (Boris Frantsisson) and Ye.I. Slavinksiy (Evgenii Slavinskii). / Released 15 October 1929. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The film was released in Finland on 26 January 1930. The film was released in the USA by Amkino Corporation on 24 May 1930. The film was released in Japan in 8 October 1930. / Silent film.
Survival status: Print exists.
Current rights holder: (unknown)
Keywords: Railroads - Transportation: Trains
Listing updated: 26 December 2024.
References: Bardèche-History pp. 270, 282; Limbacher-Feature p. 259; Youngblood-Soviet pp. 214-215, 319 : Website-IMDb.
Home video: DVD.