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Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  Theodor Herzl, der Bannerträger des jüdischen Volkes (1921)
Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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Theodor Herzl, der Bannerträger des jüdischen Volkes
Also known as The Wandering Jew in the USA : [The Wandering Jew: The Life of Theodore Herzl]
(1921) Austria
B&W : Feature film
Directed by Otto Kreisler

Cast: Ernst Bath [Theodor Herzl], Rudolph Schildkraut [das ringende Israel], Joseph Schildkraut (Josef Schildkraut) [das leidende Israel], Josef Schreiter [prophet], Rudolf Dietz [Doktor Samuel Goldblatt], Else Osterheim [eine junge russische Jüdin], Gita Lenart-Vago [eine spanische Jüdin], Axel Plessen [russischer Gutsbesitzer], Pippa Gettke [altjüdische tänzerin], Heinz Altringen [König von Spanien], Ludwig Donath [Prinz Eugen], Eugen Preiß [Pabst Leo XIII]

Helios-Filmproduktion production; distributed by Helios-Filmproduktion. / Scenario by Heinrich Glücksmann. / Released 11 February 1921. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.

Synopsis: The story of the founder of modern Zionism, Theodore Herzl.

Survival status: Print exists.

Current rights holder: (unknown)

Listing updated: 27 January 2015.

References: Website-IMDb.

Home video: DVD.

Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  Theodor Herzl, der Bannerträger des jüdischen Volkes (1921)
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