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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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The Tenth Case
(1917) United States of America
B&W : Five reels
Directed by George Kelson

Cast: June Elvidge [Claudia Payton], John Bowers [Sanford King], George MacQuarrie [Jerome Landis], Gladden James [Harry Landis], Eric Mayne [Schuyler Payton], Eloise Clement [Laura Brandon], Charles Dungan [Judge Wallace]

World Film Corporation production; distributed by World Film Corporation [World Pictures Brady Made]. / Scenario by Budd (Robert Hull). Presented by William A. Brady. / © 6 December 1917 by World Film Corporation [LU11781]. Released 17 December 1917. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / Kelson’s directorial debut.


Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? The Peyton family consists of Claudia, an only child, and her father, John, a man of the world, who is supporting in luxury Laura Brandon. Claudia chides Sanford King, a young attorney and legal adviser to the Payton family because he permits his law practice to take him away from his friends. Jerome Landis, a wealthy widower, proposes to Claudia; she refuses him. Payton loses heavily in the stock market, and informs Claudia that if financial assistance is not forthcoming they will be paupers. To save her father, Claudia accepts the wealthy Landis, and they are soon married. At a luncheon, Laura meets Harry Landis, nephew of Jerome Landis, and invites him to her apartment. While the newlyweds are on their honeymoon Harry becomes entangled in the toils of Laura. He makes a demand for money on his uncle, which is refused. Harry tells his uncle that the reason why he is not able to help him out is due to the latter’s butterfly wife, who married him for his money. Landis becomes infuriated. Claudia, not knowing where Harry’s money is going, and feeling as though she is duty-bound to give him some part of her $25,000 wedding present she received from her husband, is handing him a check, the performance being overseen by Landis. A son is born to Claudia. Harry keeps bleeding Claudia for money, until finally she is forced to tell him that she will not give him another cent. Harry accepts the ultimatum, but says she will regret it. Laura learns from Harry the state of affairs and together they plan a frame-up. That night when Claudia’s back is turned, Harry slips into her room and conceals himself behind a screen. She retires, and when her husband returns home he discovers Harry in compromising attire, and believes her unfaithful. Claudia goes to her aunt, and divorce proceedings are started. Sanford takes charge of Claudia’s legal interests. At the summing up of the case the judge makes the following statement: “In nine out of ten cases of circumstantial evidence like this, those concerned are guilty,” and is to hand down his decision the next day. Sanford and Claudia are fearful of the outcome. She tells Sanford she has a plan, which involves a considerable amount of risk. They go that night to the home of Judge Wallace, and while Claudia is awaiting the judge’s return, Sanford slips upstairs. The judge’s wife comes in and Claudia says that she has come to plead for intercession on behalf of her child. The wife says she cannot interfere with her husband’s affairs. To the judge Claudia makes a frantic plea, but it is of no use. Claudia leaves. The judge goes to his wife’s bedroom and is speaking with her when a vase of flowers falls. He fires. Sanford, with coat and collar off, steps from behind the curtains. The judge cannot believe his senses. The wife protests her innocence; he is suspicious until Sanford explains. “Circumstantial evidence, your honor, may be right in nine cases out of ten, but this, too, is the tenth case.” The decisions handed down by the judge the next day grants the father the divorce, but gives the mother custody of her child for half of the year. Sanford again tells Claudia of his love for her, but she would not think of marriage with the stigma on her name. Harry Landis and Laura Brandon are on a joy-ride. The machine becomes unmanageable and goes over the cliffs, killing Laura instantly, but giving time for Harry to tell the bystanders of his frame-up on Claudia. Jerome Landis then realizes the terrible wrong he has done Claudia, goes to her a suppliant, and is forgiven.

Survival status: The film is presumed lost.

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 3 May 2024.

References: Website-AFI; Website-ASFFDb; Website-IMDb.

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