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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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Taras Bulba
(1924) Germany
B&W : [?] Feature film?
Directed by Vladimir Strizhinski

Cast: J.N. Douvan-Tarzow [Taras Bulba], Clementine Plessner [Bulba’s wife], Oscar Marion [Andry, Bulba’s son], Josef Rounitch [Ostap, Bulba’s son], Helena Makowska [Panotschka], N.N. Novitzky [Woiwode], Alexander Polonsky [Jankel, the innkeeper], Lia Tschung Tsching [servant], August Junker, Rudolf Raab

Yermoliev-Film and Orbis-Film production. / Produced by Joseph N. Yermoliev. Scenario by Vladimir Strizhinski, from the short story “Taras Bulba” by Nikolai Gogol. Art direction by Kurt Dürnhöfer and Willy Reiber. Supervising director, Joseph N. Yermoliev. Cinematography by Fritz Biller and Rudolf Schlesinger. / Released 7 June 1924. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The film was released in the USA on 27 December 1927. The film was released in Japan on 15 June 1928.

Drama: Adventure.

Survival status: (unknown) [France]; Public domain [USA].

Current rights holder: Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung [Germany]; Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 28 September 2013.

References: Bardèche-History p. 171 : Website-IMDb.

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