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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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Das tanzende Wien
Also known as An der schönen blauen Donau. 2. Teil in Germany; Valsas Vienenses in Brazil; Det dansende Wien in Denmark and Sweden; Dancing Vienna in the USA
(1927) Germany
B&W : [?] Short film?
Directed by Friedrich Zelnik (Frederic Zelnik)

Cast: Lya Mara [Komtesse Frizzi Zirsky], Ben Lyon [Jonny Conzaga], Alfred Abel [Dichter], Eugen Burg [Kaiser Franz Josef], Albert Paulig [the Kaiser’s adjutant], Julius Falkenstein [Graf Zirsky], Gustav Charle [Konstantin, diener bei Zirskys], Arthur Kraußneck [Wirt vom ‘Eisvogel’], Kurt Gerron [ein feuerwehrmann], Hermann Picha [ein musiker], Hans Wassmann [Petrus], Andreas von Horn (Andreas Van Horn) [Johann Strauß], Olga Engel (Olga Engl) [Gräfin Zirsky], Arnold Korff [Carl Conzaga], Georg Burghardt [Sekretär bei Conzaga], Julius von Szöreghy (Gyula Szöreghy) [Direktor des Grinzinger Gartens]

[?] Deutsche Vereins-Film AG [Defa-Deutsche Fox] and/or Lya Mara-Film der DEFU? production; distributed by [?] Deutsche First National Pictures Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung [Defina]? / Produced by Friedrich Zelnik (Frederic Zelnik). Scenario by Fanny Carlsen and Willy Haas. Production management by Alfred Kern. Art direction by Andrej Andrejew, Ferdinand Bellan and Erich Kettelhut. Costume design by Alix Simon. Costume construction by Heinz Coudell. Cinematography by Frederik Fuglsang. Stills photography by Walter Lichtenstein. / Released 1 October 1927. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The film was released in Finland on 3 September 1928. The film was released in Japan on 26 October 1928. The film was released in the USA as Dancing Vienna with a synchronized soundtrack utilizing the Western Electric Vitaphone sound-on-disc synchronized sound system by [?] First National Pictures, Incorporated, or Warner Brothers Pictures, Incorporated? on 6 January 1929. / Silent film.

[?] Drama?

Survival status: (unknown) [Germany]; Public domain [USA].

Keywords: Synchronized sound film

Listing updated: 19 August 2018.

References: Aylesworth-Warner p. ? : Website-IMDb.

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