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Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  Tales the Searchlight Told (1908)
Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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Tales the Searchlight Told
(1908) United States of America
B&W : One reel / 995 feet
Directed by Edwin S. Porter

Cast: [?] ? [‘Si’ Slocum]

Edison Manufacturing Company production; distributed by Edison Manufacturing Company. / Cinematography by Edwin S. Porter. / © 31 July 1908 by Edison Manufacturing Company [H114098, H114099, H114100, H114101, H114102]. Released 5 August 1908. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The production utilizes night footage from the Edison short Coney Island at Night (1905).

[?] Comedy?

Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? The Farmer’s Visit: “Si” Slocum visits Coney Island, mounts the observation tower at Dreamland, hires a spy-glass. Running comments create amusement. He sees it all, and a few things. Rare sights. Panorama of Coney Island: Perfect bird’s-eye view. Taking in the entire Island from the top of the tower. Inland and ocean front. Bathers. Lifesavers. Boats. Throngs on Surf avenue. What “Si” Sees First: Into range comes the giant swing. Visitors riding the camels. Indian girl shooting at glass balls. Shooting the Chutes. With long water glide. Diving horses. Diving horse and rider. The Great Divide. Looping the Loop. Virginia Reel (this is a laugh-maker). The immense Ferris wheel. “Si” spots a young couple in midair indulging in a Soul Kiss. “Where ignorance is bliss, ’tis folly to be wise.” Coney Island Illuminated: Darkness gradually descends. Daylight fades. One by one the lights come out. A beautiful effect, like a real fairyland. One blaze of moving light, like festoons of glittering diamonds. “What Are the Wild Waves Saying?”: “Si” now follows the searchlight. Operator humors him. “Si” nearly topples off the tower. Such is his delight. In the Surf: Two little tots come into view, clothes tucked up, hand in hand, wading in the ocean. No “kick” from them, though. Teaching Her to Float: “Si” picks up a couple. Gent teaching the timid creature to swim. How she clings to him. How he “kicks” when the searchlight finds him. Starts for operator. Next a lovely, lone lady, built like a model, fills the lens. “How ‘Si’ lingers.” But she objects and starts for the tower. The “Sandman”: A big fellow is next discovered buried by his girl in the sand. Hates to be disturbed. Motions operator to turn off the “light.” No use. Another mad couple go for the operator. On the Ocean’s Wave: “Si” almost paralyzed. (An old man and young maid) united in one long “Soul Kiss.” “Si’s” mouth waters. They catch on, break away, start for tower. And so from scene to scene. Operator “Gets His”: Up on tower, sudden invasion. “Si” dumbfounded. Crowd rush operator. “Husky one” carries him off bodily. Rest follow. “Si” sees him taken to beach. Out in deep water. Soused repeatedly. Suspended Animation: Last scene of all that ends “Si’s” strange experience. Turns the searchlight himself and discovers his erstwhile friend hanging to a pile in the deepest water, kicking like a crab and no help, while on the beach his victims stand and “laugh last.”

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 12 April 2024.

References: Leyda-Before p. 123 : Website-AFI.

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