Den sorte Drøm
(The Black Dream)
(1911) Denmark
B&W : Four reels / 1206 metres
Directed by Peter Urban Gad
Cast: Asta Nielsen [Stella], Valdemar Psilander [Grev Johan Waldberg], Gunnar Helsengren [Hofjuveler A. Hirsch], Poul Baastrup [Cirkustjener], Emil Albes, Ellen Feldmann, Peter Fjelstrup, Hugo Flink, Tronier Funder, Ellen Gottschalch, Mary Hagen, Ellen Holm
Fotorama production; distributed by Fotorama. / Scenario by Peter Urban Gad and Gebhard Schätzler-Perasini. Set decoration by Emil Poulsen. Cinematography by Adam Johansen and Guido Seeber. / [?] Premiered 19 August 1911 in Germany? Released 4 September 1911. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The first Danish feature film. [?] Website-IMDb states the film was premiered in Germany on 19 August 1911. Card-Seductive p. 52 incorrectly indentifies the film as a German production.
Survival status: Print exists.
Current rights holder: (unknown)
Keywords: Circuses
Listing updated: 22 March 2025.
References: Bardèche-History p. 57; Card-Seductive p. 52; Mottram-Danish pp. 61, 84-86, 87, 89; Robertson-Guinness p. 8 : Website-IMDb.
Home video: DVD.