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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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Also known as The Dream Waltz in the United Kingdom
(1929) Sweden
B&W : 86 minutes
Directed by Edvin Adolphson and Julius Jaenzon

Cast: Elisabeth Frisk [Lisa Lindahl], Håkan Westergren [Olof Svensson], Tore Svennberg [Mr. Lindahl], Jenny Hasselqvist [Mrs. Lindahl], Edvin Adolphson [Mrs. Lindahl’s lover], Margit Manstad [Ingrid Martenson], Stina Berg [Mrs. Svensson], Björn Berglund [Nutte], Siv Rundgren [Okänd rell], Sture Lagerwall [Olof’s friend], Åke Uppström [Olof’s friend], Karl-Gerhard [himself], Astrid Wedberg [Lindahl’s maid], Kurt Welin [a student], Justus Hagman [the cashier], Helga Brofeldt [a woman in the resturant], Ossian Brofeldt [the husband in the restaurant], Knut Frankman [a docker], Herman Lantz [a docker at the accident], Eric Gustafson [the man who borrows matches], Thyra Leijman-Uppström [the maid], Otto Malmberg [a servant], Karl Wehle [the great composer], Nils Ohlin [a man at the music publishing company], Aina Rosén [a clerk at the music publishing company], Stina Ståhle [a clerk at the music publishing company], [?] Eric Malmberg?, [?] Axel Nilsson?

[?] Minerva Film Aktiebolaget? production; distrbuted by [?] Aktiebolaget Svensk Filmindustri? / Produced by Vilhelm Bryde. Scenario by Paul Merzbach. Art direction by Vilhelm Bryde. Makeup supervision by Atos Berg. Cinematography by Julius Jaenzon. First camera assistant, Gösta Lundin. Camera assistant, Rolf Husberg. / Released 26 December 1929. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / Thought to be Sweden’s first sound film. The film was releassed in Finland on 17 March 1930. / Full-sound film.

Drama: Musical.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: (unknown)

Keywords: Synchronized sound film

Listing updated: 14 November 2022.

References: McIlroy-Sweden pp. 24, 167 : Website-IMDb.

Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  Säg det i toner (1929)
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