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Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  Robert Macaire et Bertrand, les roi des Cambrioleurs (1907)
Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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Robert Macaire et Bertrand, les roi des Cambrioleurs
Also known as Robert Macaire and Bertrand in the USA
(1907) France
B&W : Short film
Directed by Georges Méliès

Cast: [?] Robert Macaire [the top-hatted fellow]?, [?] Bertrand [the clown-faced fellow]?, [?] Georges Méliès?

Méliès Star-Film production. / Produced by Georges Méliès. / [?] 35mm spherical format? / Frazer reel numbers 888-905.


Synopsis: [The Moving Picture World and View Photographer, 9 March 1907, page 9] The latest production of George Melies consists of a series of twenty-five scenes from the play so well known to old theater-goers, and illustrates the clever antics of those two French sneak-thieves and hoboes, and their escapades in the inn, with the police after them, whom they lead some merry antics. The following are the scenes represented: / 1, The Sneak-Thieves’ Inn; 2, The International Bank; 3, The Interior of the Bank; 4, Behind the Scenes; 5, The Costume Room; 6, A Statue as an Accomplice; 7, The Railway Station; 8, A Small Way-Station; 9, A Terrific Earthquake; 10, The Market-Place; 11, Hurled into the Clouds; 12, Planted on the Roofs; 13, The Police Always on the Trail; 14, Foiled Again; 15, Played Out; 16, The Farm; 17, The Murder of the Dummy; 18, The Death of the Two Heroes; 19, Resurrection; 20, The Balloon; 21, The Kidnapping of a “Cop”; 22, The Start; 23, In the Air; 24, The Balloon-Car; 25, The Column of the Bastille. / This film is as fine a specimen of a trick film that has been produced, showing great ingenuity of conception.

Survival status: Print exists.

Current rights holder: (unknown)

Keywords: Banks - Blackface - Chases - Criminals: Thieves: Pickpockets - Hot-air balloons - Law: Enforcement: Police: Policemen - Natural disasters: Earthquakes - Restaurants - Transportation: Locomotives, Trains: Train stations

Listing updated: 23 February 2015.

References: Film viewing : MovPicWorld-19070309 p. 9.

Home video: DVD.

Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  Robert Macaire et Bertrand, les roi des Cambrioleurs (1907)
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