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Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  Pod Jarzmem Tyranow (1916)
Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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Pod Jarzmem Tyranow
(Under the Yoke of the Tyrants)
Also known as Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła and Sto dwadzieścia pięć lat niewoli Polski in Poland; Tyrannenherrschaft and Aus Polens schwerer Zeit - Kolossal-Film-Gemälde in Germany; Nincs még veszve Lengyelország! in Hungary : [125 lat niewoli Polski]
(1916) Poland/Germany
B&W : (length unknown)
Directed by Franz Porten

Cast: Franciszek Fraczkowski [Tadeusz Kosciuszko], Marian Jednowski [Guvernor], Stanislaw Polanski [Starosta Sosnowski], Helena Zahorska [Sosnowski’s daughter], Boleslaw Brzeski [Jan Zbroja], Stanislaw Dabrowski [Maksym], Zygmunt Noskowski [Abraham], Irena Regicz [Miriam, Abraham’s daughter], Wanda Jarszewska [Maria Zbroja], Boleslaw Mierzejewski [Henryk], Dagny Servaes [Polonia Liberata]

[?] Projektions Aktiengesellschaft Union-Film [PAGU]? production. / Scenario by Alfred Deutsch-German. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The film was released in Germany as Tyrannenherrschaft on 31 December 1916.


Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: (unknown)

Listing updated: 4 January 2022.

References: Bren-Poland p. ? : Website-IMDb.

Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  Pod Jarzmem Tyranow (1916)
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