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Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  The Oath of a Viking (1914)
Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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  Photograph: Silent Era image collection.
The Oath of a Viking
(1914) United States of America
B&W : Three reels
Directed by J. Searle Dawley

Cast: James Gordon [the Viking king], Betty Harte [Lydia, the king’s daughter], Frank Sidwell [Nordo, the warrior], F.A. Turner [Olaf, Nordo’s rival]

Pasquali American Company, Incorporated, production; distributed on State Rights basis by Picture Playhouse Film Company, Incorporated. / Cinematography by Charles Rosher. / Released August 1914. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The production was shot on location in Bermuda.

Drama: Historical.

Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? The scene of this play opens with the temporary camp of the Viking king of Norseland on a Summer trip off the coast of England. While the men are away from camp fishing, a wandering stranger from the North happens upon Lydia, the king’s daughter, asleep, and is desperately smitten with her unusual beauty. Fearing his reception upon the return of the men, he steals off to view the camp from a neighboring cliff top. Upon the return of the men he discovers that Lydia is interested in one of the men of the party, Nordo, and seizes an opportunity while the camp is about to sit down to a feast presents himself, and asks a kindly reception. The king receives him as a guest. In the dead of night, while the camp is asleep, he attempts to steal into the cave which shelters Lydia, but is frustrated by the ever-watchful Nordo, who, crazed with rage at this attempted desecration of his sweetheart’s resting place, is about to stab him when Lydia reminds him of the laws of hospitality. Olaf at the first opportunity proposes marriage to Lydia, and demands her hand from the king, the king disdainfully spurns his offer, and Olaf challenges, according to the ancient Norse law, Lydia’s champion to fight for her hand. Lydia chooses her favorite, Nordo. A bloody duel is immediately fought, and Nordo conquers. Olaf is nursed back to health by the beautiful Lydia, and again protests his love. One day a messenger arrives from Voldor, the father of Olaf, demanding his return alive, to expiate his unpardonable offense against the god Odin. Olaf makes good his escape from the camp, and the king vows that if Olaf is not captured alive, he will sacrifice his daughter to the sea. Nordo starts out to find Olaf. Olaf from a safe hiding place has overheard the king’s vow, and plans a desperate revenge. He allows Nordo to see him, and when pursued feigns an injury. He grapples with Nordo, but by a mischance Nordo, in the struggle, throws him over the cliff. Nordo returns to the camp brokenhearted with the sad news. The king fulfills his vow, but Nordo, unknown to the rest, dives from the foot of the cliff and raises the maiden from the bottom of the sea. Olaf was only stunned by his fall from the cliff, and returns to the sad-hearted king, knowing that his revenge has been accomplished. Nordo sees Olaf alive and under the protection of Lydia’s father, and hastens back to her with the joyful news that she can rejoin her family. The king receives his daughter back from the grave, and blesses them both.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 5 January 2023.

References: Website-IMDb.

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