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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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A Night Out
(1914) United States of America
B&W : Short film
Directed by Charles H. France

Cast: Dan Mason [Mr.Jessup], May Abbey [Mrs. Jessup], Edward O’Connor [Mr. Vincent], Cora Williams [Mrs. Vincent]

Thomas A. Edison, Incorporated, production; distributed by The General Film Company, Incorporated. / Scenario by Mark Swan. / Released 25 March 1914. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.


Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? It was a curious fact that Mr. Jessup and Mr. Vincent, buying overcoats on the same day, should each have the rather bad taste to buy coats of exactly the same flamboyant pattern. After they had bought the coats, each man went on an errand for his wife. Mr. Jessup took a pink slipper, his wife wished to have repaired, and Mr. Vincent burdened himself with a baby’s nursing-bottle, which had to be changed. As it happened, the two men took lunch in the same restaurant. They checked their coats at the door. While Jessup and Vincent were in the restaurant a person lighted a cigarette and threw the still burning match on the floor. A lively little blaze ensued, and a robust little panic among the guests followed. Jessup and Vincent fought their way to the door, and grabbed coats each fondly imagined was his own. In the street they came upon the joker who threw the match. A very fair general mix-up resulted immediately. As a result, Jessup and Vincent were both hauled off to jail and confined in separate cells. The next morning both men were released and allowed to return to their weeping wives. Each wife, naturally enough, wanted to know where her husband had been. Each husband, naturally enough did not care to say he had spent the night in jail. When Mrs. Vincent discovered a woman’s pink slipper in her husband’s pocket her worst fears were realized. Even more terrible suspicions were aroused in Mrs. Jessup when she found the nursing bottle. The men were rescued from their awkward fix by the sudden discovery that the coats did not fit. A chance meeting led to a general explanation and the husbands were led home by their rejoicing wives with no ill effects from their adventure apart from two class A colds.

Reviews: [The Moving Picture World, 11 April 1914, page ?] This comedy number is based on a familiar plot, in which the two husbands get their overcoats mixed up and the contents of the pockets arouse much jealousy. Dan Mason, May Abbey, Edward O'Connor and Cora Williams are in the cast. An old subject handled with spirit and containing quite a lot of genuine amusement.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 1 June 2024.

References: Spehr-American p. 4 : Website-IMDb.

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