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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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Nathan der Weise
(Nathan the Wise)
Also known as Erstürmung Jerusalems in Germany; Nathan the Wise in the USA
(1922) Germany
B&W : Feature film
Directed by Manfred Noa

Cast: Werner Krauß (Werner Krauss) [Nathan], Fritz Greiner [Sultan Saladin], Carl de Vogt [Assad von Filneck, sein bruder; and ein junger tempelherr], Lia Eibenschütz [Sittah, seine schwester des sultans], Bella Muzsnay [Recha], Margarete Kupfer [Daja, die christliche pflegerin rechas], Rudolf Lettinger [klosterbruder Bonafides (früherer Reitknecht Assads)], Ferdinand Martini [Al-Hafi, derwisch], Ernst Schrumpf [der patriarch von Jerusalem], Max Schreck [der großmeister der tempelherren], Wolfgang von Schwind [der scherttrager des Saladin], Ernst Matray [der spassmacher des sultans]; Carl-Heinz Schroth [statist]

Filmhaus Bavaria Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung production. / Scenario by Hans Kyser, from the play Nathan der Weise by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. Production management by Kurt Rosen. Art direction by Karl Machus and Otto Völkers. Set design by Peter Rochelsberg. Costume design by Walter Wesener. Artistic advisor, Leo Pasetti. Cinematography by Gustave Preiss and Hans Karl Gottschalk + [Georg Schubert]. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The film was released in Japan on 22 May 1925. A print was recovered by the Gosfilmofond film archive in the 1990s; the print was the basis of a Filmmuseum München 2006 restoration of the film produced by Stefan Drössler.

Drama: Historical.

Survival status: Prints exist in the Gosfilmofond film archive [35mm positive]; and in the Filmmuseum München film archive [35mm restoration negative, 35mm restoration positive].

Current rights holder: Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung.

Listing updated: 28 September 2013.

References: Film credits, film viewing : Bardèche-History p. 192 : Website-IMDb : with additional information provided by Thomas Kunze.

Home video: DVD.

Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  Nathan der Weise (1922)
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