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Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  Napoleon auf St. Helena (1929)
Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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Napoleon auf St. Helena
(Napoleon at St. Helena)
(1929) Germany
B&W : Feature film
Directed by Lupu Pick

Cast: Werner Krauß (Werner Krauss) [Napoleon Bonaparte], Hanna Ralph [Madame Bertrand], Albert Bassermann [Gouverneur Hudson Lowe], Philippe Hériat [General Bertrand], Suzy Pierson [Madame Montholon], Lutz Altschul (Louis V. Arco), Hermann Thimig [General Gourgaud], Paul Henckels [Baron Las Cases], Georges Péclet [Kammerdiener Marchand], Martin Kosleck, Theodor Loos [Hauptmann Pionkowski], Erwin Kalser [Doktor O’Meara], Hugh Douglas [Captain Maitland], Jack Mylong-Münz (John Mylong), Fritz Odemar [Leutnaant Nichols (Lieutenant Nichols)], Eduard von Winterstein [General Blücher], Albert Florath [Louis X], Fritz Staudte, Max Kaufmann [Kaiser Franz II], Camillo Cossuth (Camillo Kossuth) [Fürst Metternich], Alfred Gerasch [Tsar Alexander I], Arthur von Klein, Petra Unkel, Philipp Manning [Lord Holland], Günther Hadank [Lord Wellington], Franz Schafheitlin, Stella Harf, Karl Etlinger [Buchhändler Simon], Jaro Fürth [Doktor Arnott], Hermann Böttcher, Ernst Rothmund (Ernst Rotmund) [Oberst Reed], Magnus Stifler [Admiral Cockburn], Lilli Weiss [kind (child)], Matti Prinz [kind (child)]

Lupu Pick-Film and Peter Ostermayer Produktion production; distributed by Deutsche Lichtspiel-Syndikat Aktiengesellschaft. / Produced by Peter Ostermayer and Lupu Pick. Associate producer, Ottmar Ostermayer. Scenario by Willy Haas and Lupu Pick, from a screen story by Abel Gance. Production management by Fritz Klotzsch (Fritz Klotsch). Art direction by Kaarl Weber and Erich Zander. Costume design by Emil Pirchan and Carl R. Reiner. Assistant director, Ossip Seresin. Cinematography by Fritz Arno Wagner, Robert Baberske, Ludwig Lippert and Friedrich Weinmann. / Released 7 November 1929. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The film was released in Finland on 13 April 1930. / Silent film.

Drama: Historical.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung.

Keywords: Napoléon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

Listing updated: 28 September 2013.

References: Bardèche-History p. 259 : Website-IMDb.

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