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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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Martyred Presidents
(1901) United States of America
B&W : [?] 50 or 75? feet
Directed by Edwin S. Porter

Cast: (unknown)

Edison Manufacturing Company production; distributed by Edison Manufacturing Company. / Cinematography by Edwin S. Porter. / © 7 October 1901 by Thomas A. Edison [H9412]. Released 19 October 1901. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The production utilizes a matte shot. The film was also compiled in Edison’s Complete Funeral Cortege at Canton, Ohio (1901). [?] The film appears to have been pirated and released in the USA by S. Lubin.

View: Tableau.

Synopsis: Tableau of assassinated presidents was made shortly after the death of President William McKinley. • [From Edison promotional materials] We have just finished and now offer to exhibitors a picture which we consider most valuable as an ending to the series of McKinley funeral pictures. The scene opens with a beautiful woman who represents Columbia seated at the altar of Justice. As if from out of space there slowly appears a perfect and lifelike picture of Abraham Lincoln. The forming of the picture is first noticed by the appearance of what seems to be a mere spot on the front of the altar. This spot slowly enlarges and is focused into shape, until, to the amazement of the audience, the face of the great emancipator is clearly shown. President Lincoln’s likeness is allowed to remain upon the altar just long enough for recognition, when, in the same mysterious manner that it appeared, it slowly fades and in its place there grows the picture of President Garfield. This in a like manner fades away, and again as out of the dim distance comes the picture of our great martyred President, William McKinley. The tableau is then dissolved into a picture of an assassin kneeling before the throne of Justice. Here the tableau ends, leaving an impression of mingled sorrow and sublimity upon the audience. We predict for this picture a remarkable success, and particularly where it is shown in connection with the funeral ceremonies of the illustrious McKinley. • [From Lubin promotional materials] This is a grand conception. The picture opens showing the immortal Abraham Lincoln, the great war President. It dissolves into that of another martyr, James A. Garfield, and finally closes with a speaking likeness of the lamented William McKinley. This film will stir any audience to enthusiasm. It shows in the proper order the portraits of the three martyred Presidents of the United States.

Survival status: Print exists in the Library of Congress film archive (paper print collection) [35mm paper positive].

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Keywords: Tableaus

Listing updated: 29 April 2010.

References: Film viewing : Niver-First p. 21; Pitts-Hollywood p. 3 : Website-AFI.

Home video: DVD.

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