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Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  Madame Sans-Gêne (1911)
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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Madame Sans-Gêne
(1911) France
B&W : Three reels
Directed by André Calmettes and Henri Desfontaines

Cast: Madame Réjane (Gabrielle-Charlotte Réjane) [Madame Sans-Gêne], M. Duquesne (Edmond Duquesne) [Napoléon], Georges Dorival [Lefebvre], Jacques Volnys [Neipperg], Aimée Raynal [L’impératrice Marie-Louise], Léonie Richard [la hérengère], J. Rousseau [Madame de Bellune], S. Théray [la Princesse Elisa], Pierrette Lugand [Madame de Thalhouet], [?] ? Glineur [la roussote], C. Silva [Madame de Bassano], [?] ? Meaulle [Madame de Bulow], [?] ? Raffy [Madame de Vintimille], [?] ? Brasseur [Madame de Rovigo], [?] ? Ambrosi [Madame de Canisy], Monsieur du Peray [Toinon], Marthe Fabris [Julie], Rémo [la reine Caroline], [?] ? Icard [Jolicoeur], Hypolyte Paulet [Vabontrain], [?] ? Bogard [Roustan], [?] ? Rablet [Fouché], Alexandre Mathillon [Savary], [?] ? Ville [Bonaparte], [?] ? Bosman [Despréaux], [?] ? Dermez [Mortemart], [?] ? Jeandrieu [Lauriston], [?] ? Vaslin [Duros], [?] ? Pichat [De Brigode], [?] ? Dufresne [Saint-Moreau], [?] ? Fournier [un gueux], Léon Courtois [Bissout], [?] ? Deyrens [Arnault], [?] ? Dastieri [Fontanes], [?] ? Pugenc [Junot], Ferdal [Leroy], [?] ? Kaplan [Canouville], [?] ? Chauveau [Jeanin]

Le Film d’Art production; distributed by Compagnie Genérale des Établissements Pathé Frères Phonographes & Cinématographes. / From the play Madame Sans-Gêne by Victorien Sardou and Émile Moreau. Art direction by [?] ? Leclerc and [?] ? Simas. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The film was released in the USA by the Franco-American Film Company in 1912. [?] Listed by Bardèche-History p. 50b as released 1911. The play was previously filmed as Madame Sans-Gêne (1909). The play was subsequently filmed as Madame Sans-Gêne (1925).

Drama: Historical.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: (unknown) [France]; Public domain [USA].

Keywords: France - French Revolution (1789-1799)

Listing updated: 13 December 2024.

References: Bardèche-History pp. 44, 50b; Blum-Silent pp. 26, 27; Menefee-Bernhardt p. 92; Tarbox-Lost pp. 103, 209 : Website-IMDb.

Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  Madame Sans-Gêne (1911)
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