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Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  License No. 13; or, The Hoodoo Automobile (1905)
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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License No. 13; or, The Hoodoo Automobile
Also known as {License No. 13; or, The Hooded Automobile}
(1905) United States of America
B&W : 750 feet
Directed by (unknown)

Cast: (unknown)

The Vitagraph Company of America production; distributed by The Vitagraph Company of America. / The film was first advertised in trades in October 1905. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.


Synopsis: [From Charles Urban promotional materials] The adventures are aptly described by little rhymes which, being projected on the screen before each scene, add much to the humor and effect of the story. We read in the first announcement: — “Charlie and Molly Go out for a spin in Charlie’s new automobile, but the number’s thirteen, and as soon will be seen, it bothers them quite a good deal.” Charlie drives up to his girl’s house, but she almost refuses to accompany him when she spies No. 13 on the license card. Finally she is persuaded into going and then their troubles begin. Passing through the city they have many narrow escapes, and nearly get arrested for knocking over a peddler’s push cart. “The motor went mote, So Charlie gets out, And lays underneath on his back, Then Molly gets tired, Says to Charlie “you’re fired,” And skips with a fellow named Jack.” Out in the country the auto balks and Charlie tries to fix it. A wayside tramp happens along and gets very much in the way. When Charlie emerges from underneath the motor, covered with grease and dirt, he finds the tramp has stolen his coat and hat and his girl has skipped with Johnny-on-the-spot who drives up in a swell rig. Number 13 is getting in its “good work.” Charlie gets reckless, the speed law he breaks, while the constables holler “go slow!” Those rude sheriffs nab him, For scorching they grab him, And off to the jail he must go. Charlie starts in chase of the girl-auto breaks down again. He gets underneath once more, when suddenly it starts up of its own accord and runs away. Then Charlie forgets the girl and has to chase the auto. He catches it after a weary run, and, going about 47 miles an hour, is almost up with the girl and fellow in the buggy, when he is stopped by two provincial constables who drag him of to jail. Judge Jones of Squashtown says “you’re a good thing. I’ll fine you a hundred or two. You may think it funny, but we need the money. Call again the next time you come through.” On the way to the Court room, Charlie has his ire further aroused by seeing his girl and Johnny-on-the-spot enjoying a refreshing meal at a road house. They give him the cold shoulder. Charlie seems to be “up against it.” He protests angrily against his arrest, but the hayseed justice of the peace takes all his cash and intimates that he is lucky to have his clothes left. Poor Charlie is “broke.” He can't see the joke, his auto refuses to go. So a strong mule he hires, Number thirteen he fires. Alas what a story of woe. Outside the Court house Charlie regains his auto and finds Weary Willie sitting in state on the front seat. Having fired him he tries to start the motor and evidently “fires” that too, as dense volumes of smoke pour out from under the machine. Then it stops and refuses to budge. Just about this time Charlie determines to change his luck so he tears off the license, No. 13, and puts. on one reading 4-11-44. Then he hires a good, healthy mule, and hitching him to the auto, he starts for home, a sadder and wiser man.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Keywords: Transportation: Automobiles

Listing updated: 22 December 2024.

References: Slide-BigV p. 172 : Website-IMDb.

Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  License No. 13; or, The Hoodoo Automobile (1905)
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