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Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  Kollezskii registrator (1925)
Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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Kollezskii registrator
Коллежский регистратор

(The Collegiate Registrar)
Also known as Der Postmeister and Der Kurier von St. Petersburg in Austria; Le Maître de Poste in France; Kollezhskiy registrator in Germany; A postamester in Hungary : [The Station Master], [The Stationmaster], [Postmaster]
(1925) Soviet Union
B&W : Feature film
Directed by J. Scheljabuschski (Yuri Zheliabuzhski) and Ivan Moskvin

Cast: Ivan Moskvin [the postmaster], Vera Malinovskaya [Dunja], Vsevolod Aksyonov, Nikolai Aleksandrov, Nikolai Kostromskoy, Nikolai Ryzhov, Boris Tamarin, Vladimir Uralskiy, [?] Ivan Mosjoukine?

Mezhrabpom-Rus’ production. / Scenario by Valentin Turkin and Fedor Otsep, from the novel “Stantsionnyi smotritel” (The Station Master) by Aleksandr Pushkin. Art direction by Ivan Stepanov. Cinematography by Yevgeni Alekseyev and J. Scheljabuschski (Yuri Zheliabuzhski). / Released 22 September 1925. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The film was released in the USA by Amkino Corporation on 17 June 1928. The film was released in Finland on 19 February 1930. The novel was subsequently filmed as Der Postmeister (1940).


Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: (unknown) [Russia]; Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 31 March 2020.

References: Bardèche-History p. 175; Youngblood-Soviet pp. 57, 97, 268, 317 : Website-IMDb.

Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  Kollezskii registrator (1925)
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