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Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  Ingmarsarvet (1925)
Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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Also known as The Ingmar Inheritance in the USA : [Ingmar’s Inheritance]
(1925) Sweden/Soviet Union/Germany
B&W : Feature film
Directed by Gustav Molander

Cast: Märta Halldén [Karin Ingmarsdotter], Ivan Hedqvist [Stark Anders], John Ekman [Eljas, Karins man], Lars Hanson [Ingmar Ingmarsson], Mathias Taube [Halvor Halvorsson, Tims Halvor], Mona Mårtenson [Gertrud Storm], Nils Aréhn [Skolmästare Storm], Conrad Veidt [Helgum], Ellen Appelberg [Helgum’s wife], Ida Brander [Gertruds mor, fru Storm (Gertrude’s mother, Mrs. Storm], Knut Lindroth [Berger Sven Person], Jenny Hasselqvist [Barbro Persdotter], Gabriel Alw [Christ], Erik Bergman [en av Eljas supbröder (one of Elja’s soup brothers)], Georg Blomstedt [en av Eljas supbröder (one of Elja’s soup brothers)], Herman Lantz [Hunter], Albion Örtengren [kyrkoherden (the pastor)], Nils Ohlin [the groom], Mignon Georgian [a wedding guest], Hjördis Gille [a woman in Mission House; Helgumian], Justus Hagman [a man in Mission House; Helgumian], Richard Lindström [a man in Mission House; Helgumian], Sven Quick [a man in Mission House; Helgumian], Alf Sjöberg [a young man in Mission House; Helgumian], Harald Wehlnor [a man in Mission House; Helgumian], Emmy Albiin [Helgumian], Gösta Gustafson [Helgumian], Axel Janse [Helgumian], Lisskulla Jobs [Helgumian], Edla Rothgardt [Helgumian], Harry Ahlin [a boy in youth circle], Märta Ekström [a girl in youth circle], Gösta Ericsson [a boy in youth circle], Nils Jacobsson [a boy in youth circle], Tore Lindwall [a boy in youth circle], Valborg Svensson [a girl in youth circle], Josua Bengtson [a man at the auction], Thure Holm [a man at the auction], Axel Högel [a man at the auction], Hugo Björne [the captain of L’Univers], Sven Bergvall [a passenger on L’Univers], Märtha Lindlöf [a passenger on L’Univers], Gunnar Maegerstolpe [a passenger on L’Univers], Albert Christiansen [a boy in the lifeboat], Axel Lagerberg [a man in the lifeboat], Louise Eneman-Wahlberg [a woman in the lifeboat], Lotten Olsson [the older woman in lifeboat], Anna Lindahl [the drowning woman]

[?] Aktiebolaget Svensk Filmindustri and Wengeroff-Stinnes and/or Nord-Westi Film? production; distributed by [?] Aktiebolaget Svensk Filmindustri or Svenska Biografteaterns Filmbyrå? / Produced by Oscar Hemberg. Scenario by Ragnar Hyltén-Cavallius and Gustaf Molander, from the novel Jerusalem by Selma Lageröf. Production management by Oscar Hemberg. Unit manager, Axel Janse. Art direction by Vilhelm Bryde. Costume design by Maud Hyltén-Cavallius. Makeup supervisor, Manne Lundh. Cinematography by J. Julius (Julius Jaenzon). Camera assistant, Åke Dahlqvist. / Released 26 December 1925. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.


Survival status: Print exists.

Current rights holder: (unknown)

Listing updated: 13 August 2024.

References: McIlroy-Sweden pp. 10, 22-23, 166 : Website-IMDb.

Home video: DVD.

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