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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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(1916) Germany
B&W : Serial / Six chapters
Directed by Otto Rippert

Cast: Olaf Fönss (Olaf Fønss) [Richard Ortman, der homunculus], Friedrich Kühne [Edgar Rodin], Theodor Loos [Sven Friedland], Mechthildis Thein [Margot], Lore Rückert [Tochter Margarete Hansen], Albert Paul [Tochter Hansen], Ernst Ludwig [Professor Ortmann], Max Ruhbeck [Generalprokurator Steffens], Lia Borré [tochter des Generalprokurator Steffens], Aud Egede Nissen, Maria Carmi, Lupu Pick, Fern Andra, Ernst Benzinger, Einar Bruun, Josef Bunzi, Maria Carmi, Margarete Ferida, Maria Immhofen, Nelly Lagarst, Ilsa Lersen, Adolf Paul, Robert Reinert Jr. [ein kind], Thea Sandten, Fritz Steidel, Erna Thiele, Gustav von Wangenheim, Hedwig Wiese, Walter Wolffgram

Deutsche Bioscop Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung production; distributed by [?] Deutsche Bioscop Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung? / Produced by Hanns Lippmann. Scenario by [?] Robert Reinert and/or Otto Rippert and Robert Neuss?, from a screen story by Robert Reinert. Set design by Robert A. Dietrich. Cinematography by Carl Hoffmann. / Six chapters (one hour each chapter): [1] released 18 August 1916; [2] “Das geheimnisvolle Buch”; [3] “Die Liebestragödie des Homunculus”; [4] “Die Rache des Homunculus”; [5] “Die Vernichtung der Menscheit”; [6] “Das Ende des Homunculus.” / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / Bardèche-History p. 135 [?] mistakenly? identifies this as a Nordisk Films Kompagni production (or release).


Survival status: Prints exist in the George Eastman Museum film archive (Roberto Pallme collection) [6793 feet only (1920 colored rerelease version, Italian language intertitles, preserved 2002)]; in the Bundesarchiv-Filmarchiv film archive [one black & white chapter]; in the Národní Filmovy Archiv film archive [one black & white chapter]; and in the Cinémathèque Suisse film archive [250 metres, German flash intertitles].

Current rights holder: Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung.

Keywords: Serials

Listing updated: 28 September 2013.

References: Aylesworth-Monsters pp. 44, 143; Bardèche-History p. 135; Fell-History p. 133; Manchel-Terrors pp. 19-20, 64, 75 : Website-GEM; Website-IMDb; Website-Lost; Website-SerSq.

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