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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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Hearst-Selig News Pictorial (No. 16)
(1915) United States of America
B&W : Short film
Directed by (unknown)

Cast: Grace Darling [herself], Howard Drew [himself], Fred Kelly [himself], Marcus M. Marks [himself]

The Selig Polyscope Company, Incorporated, production; distributed by The General Film Company, Incorporated. / Produced by William N. Selig. Film editor, Ray Hall. / Released 25 February 1915. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.

Documentary: Newsreel.

Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? New York: Hattie, Central Park elephant and children’s favorite, is manicured by Keeper “Bill” Schneider. It is a sure sign winter is over. St. Louis: Pioneers of Missouri honored in tablet unveiled in Forest Park by National Society United Daughters of 1812 on hundredth anniversary of peace with Great Britain. Tampa, Fla: Gasparilla, with his outlaw crew, demands surrender of city in tenth annual carnival in his honor. The queen goes to meet Gasparilla, now made King of the Carnival. Boston Private school stars race in meet at Harvard Stadium while mothers and sisters watch with interest. Many society leaders are present. Chicago: Successful men who started as newsies resume old stands for day and cry “extras” for charity. Some who helped. Grace Darling on board the Almirante en route to Panama is a favorite among the passengers and crew and is shown about the ship. Shows her at the steering wheel. Examining sextant. The Angelo Paroda, a ship that had been drifting without coal for two weeks is sighted and seeks help through the Almirante’s wireless station. Harvard’s classy baseball squad and Coach Sexton are the first collegiate nine to come out of winter quarters for spring practice. Jersey City, N.J: Flames delay Italian ship Re d’ltalia laden with cotton. Firemen take cotton out of ship and pour water on it. New York: Suffragists, clothed in half-and-half garments incite interest in their grand rally by parading Fifth Avenue. Marion, N.J: Lackawanna express train of nine well filled cars leaves rails without injury to any of the passengers. The steel coaches remaining upright. New York: State starts inquiry into boost of bread price. Borough President Marcus M. Marks who started inquiry and his secretary. Other men prominent in this probe. Washington, D.C: American Boy Scouts demonstrate first aid drills at annual meeting. Boys who received the eagle medal. Star Athletes of All-American team train at University of Southern California. Fred Kelly, world’s champion at 120-yard hurdles; Howard Drew, world’s champion at 100-yard dash in trial sprint.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 5 January 2025.

References: Website-IMDb.

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