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Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  A Gambler’s Heart (1913)
Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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A Gambler’s Heart
(1913) United States of America
B&W : One reel
Directed by [?] Robert Goodman?

Cast: (unknown)

Méliès Star Films [American] production; distributed by [?] The Vitagraph Company of America through The General Film Company, Incorporated? / Produced by Gaston Méliès. / Released 13 March 1913. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.

Drama: Western.

Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? Jack Hurley, a professional gambler, but square in all his dealings, falls in love with Kitty Holmes while she and her father are on a visit west, where Kitty’s brother, Benton, is a mine superintendent. Hurley and several others, Yaller Smith, Hurrah Mag, Bad Eye and Whiskey John, being undesirable citizens in the opinion of a majority of the town folk, are warned by a notice pasted on Red Pete’s saloon to leave town by sunset of the 15th. Kitty’s brother, noticing the growing intimacy between Hurley and his sister, warns Kitty that Hopley is a gambler, and shows her the notice. Early on the 15th all leave but Hurley, who, unconcerned, sits gambling in Pete’s saloon until five minutes before sunset, when he starts off, first riding by the house where Kitty stays, hoping for one last glimpse of her. There he hears that Kitty and her brother rode out early that morning and have not returned. One of the men nearby tells him he saw them riding towards the desert. The father becomes much alarmed and a party is organized to go after them, but Hurley, the moment he hears, rides off at a mad pace. After riding for hours, he finds the pair half crazed from thirst and exhaustion, their horses having wandered off while they were resting. Hurley gives them his water and while Ben is trying to revive Kitty, he bids them a silent farewell, slipping quietly off, leaving his horse and water behind. When Kitty and Benton look around they find him gone. At daybreak the brother and sister come upon the party looking for them, explain Hurley’s kind action, and all return in search of him. When they come upon Hurley, he is dead, with a deuce of spades attached by penknife to a little stick nearby. He had played his last game; death was the dealer, Kitty’s life the stake. He won.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 8 January 2025.

References: Thompson-Star p. 232 : ClasIm-226 p. 55 : Website-IMDb.

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