Elisa Cansino and Eduardo Cansino (center).
Frame enlargement: Silent Era image collection.
La Fiesta
Also known as [Anna Case in La Fiesta, Soprano Solo, Assisted by the Cansinos, Spanish Dancers, and the Metropolitan Opera Chorus]
(1926) United States of America
B&W : One reel / 9.5 minutes
Directed by (unknown)
Cast: Anna Case, the Metropolitan Opera Chorus, Eduardo Cansino [solo dancer], Elisa Cansino [solo dancer]
The Vitaphone Corporation production; distributed by Warner Brothers Pictures, Incorporated. / Orchestra conducted by Herman Heller. Cinematography by [?] Ed H. DuPar? / © 4 April 1927 by The Vitaphone Corporation [MP3917]. Premiered 6 August 1926 at the Warners Theatre in New York, New York. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. Western Electric Vitaphone sound-on-disc synchronized sound system. / The production was shot at the Manhattan Opera House in New York, New York. Vitaphone production number 0294. The film was a short subject in the Vitaphone program which featured Don Juan (1926). Parish-Glamour p. 219 is incorrect in noting that this film features Margarita Cansino (Rita Hayworth) and that it was her film debut, as she was not yet even eight years old when the film was shot; instead, it is her father and aunt who appear in the film. / Full-sound film.
Performance: Opera-Dance.
Survival status: Print exists.
Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].
Keywords: Early sound film - Synchronized sound film
Listing updated: 15 December 2024.
References: Film credits, film viewing : Geduld-Birth pp. 119, 128; LoC-MoPic-2 p. 24; Maltin-Selected p. 22; Parish-Glamour pp. 219-220 : Website-IMDb.
Home video: DVD.