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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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The Duchess
(1915) United States of America
B&W : Three reels
Directed by W.T. McCulley

Cast: Cleo Madison [Nora Delaney, also known as the Duchess of Ballyhinch], Joe King [Dennis Delaney], Wilbur Higby [Squire Delaney], Margaret Whistler [Madame Delaney], Ray Hanford [Maloney, the tenant], Hylda Sloman (Hylda Hollis) [Catherine Cazalet]

The Universal Film Manufacturing Company, Incorporated, production; distributed by The Universal Film Manufacturing Company, Incorporated [Universal Gold Seal]. / Produced by Carl Laemmle. Scenario by Grace Helen Bailey. / Released 30 March 1915. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.


Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? Nora Delaney, known as the Duchess of Ballyhinch, lives with her father, Squire Delaney. Their only wealthy relatives are her cousin Dennis Delaney and his mother. Dennis has great trouble with his tenants, who are led in their opposition to him by Maloney. Dennis visits his pretty cousin at her father’s home and a delightful love affair develops. Back at home with his mother is Catherine Cazalet, his fiancée, to whom he has been betrothed since early childhood. While Dennis is visiting the Squire and his daughter, a letter arrives from the former’s mother inviting him to bring his pretty cousin back with him. Squire Delaney is more than delighted that his daughter shall have a touch of high society and accordingly sees her off in company with Dennis. Nora learns that Catherine is the fiancée of the man she has learned to love, and her love gradually turns to hatred. Catherine Cazalet has only contempt for Nora. Dennis one evening wanders far out into the country to be alone with his thoughts. It happens that Nora also despondently seeks the solitude of nature. Dennis is followed by Maloney, who plans to kill the man he considers a tyrant and his oppressor. A rain storm comes up and Nora seeks shelter in a deserted cabin. Maloney fires at Dennis but misses him, and Dennis returns the shot. The two engage in a death struggle. Nora has heard the shots and rushes out of the cabin, grabs a bar from the dilapidated gate, and slipping up behind Maloney, deals him a heavy blow over the head. She finds that Dennis is seriously wounded and drags him back to the cabin, where she nurses him through the night. With morning, she hails a passing wagon and has the driver transport Dennis home. She then wanders back to the stately mansion alone. Throughout the night all have been considerably alarmed because of the strange disappearance of the couple, Nora finally comes in, weary and worn, and endeavors to tell her story. Katherine is brutal in her rebuffs. Later Dennis arrives and is cared for. Squire Delaney, unable to bear the absence of his daughter, later arrives at the mansion. Nora nurses Dennis through his illness, which is the result of Maloney’s attack, and later they plight their troth. Dennis has been freed by Catherine, who gives herself over to Sir Brandrum Boileau, who has for many years been asking her hand.

Reviews: [The Moving Picture World, 3 April 1915, page ?] A three-reel number, based on the well-known sentimental novel after which it is named. Cleo Madison plays the country girl. Joe King appears as the hero. The pastoral scenes at the beginning are attractive. Later the story drifts into the sentimental entanglements familiar to the readers of this story. The adventure of the lovers in the storm was well pictured. This lacks some of the emotional flavor of the novel, but makes an entertaining offering. The photography is pleasing.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 11 November 2022.

References: Slide-Ireland p. ? : Website-IMDb.

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