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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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The Dragoman
(1916) United States of America
B&W : Two reels
Directed by Edward Sloman

Cast: Leon C. Shumway (Lee Shumway) [Mohammed], Ada Gleason (Adda Gleason) [Marjorie Hall], George Routh [Edward Wright], Violet MacMillan [Allouma]

Lubin Manufacturing Company production; distributed by The General Film Company, Incorporated. / Produced by Siegmund Lubin. Scenario by Edward Sloman. / Released 25 January 1916. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The production was shot at Lubin’s Coronado, California, studio.


Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? Mohamed is an Arab guide in Egypt. Edward Wright, a tourist, engages him, and meets Mohamed’s sister, Allouma. An attraction springs up between the two, and secret meetings are held. Wright also meets Marjorie Hall, an American girl, with whom Mohamed falls deeply in love after saving her life. Allouma trusts Wright implicitly, and one night readily believes his statement that he will marry her on the morrow. She waits in vain for him, but Wright is called away by the death of his father. Days of bliss follow for Mohamed, as Marjorie now engages him as dragoman, but his sun sets when she leaves for America. Then one day Mohamed learns the dread truth of Wright’s duplicity for Allouma. He is about to strike her, but pity enters his heart. Meanwhile in America, Marjorie consents to marry Wright. Allouma dies when her child is born, and Mohamed, frantic in grief, prays to Allah to guide him to the man who has done this wrong. Five years later, Mohamed is in America searching for Wright. Once he thinks he has found him and is about to wreak vengeance, when Mohamed realizes his mistake. He is pursued by an excited mob, but a charming little four-year-old saves him. Mohamed kisses her tenderly, as she is just the size of his Allouma’s little one would have been. At last he finds Wright. The latter is giving an Egyptian Masked Ball at his home. Mohamed reads the announcement. He gains entrance to the house by wearing his mask and his dragoman costume. Meeting Marjorie, he discloses his identity to her, but remembers his vengeance. Twelve o’clock comes; Mohamed is seated alone in the anteroom. Wright enters and tells him it is time to unmask. Mohamed answers that he is going to unmask him before the guests, and then discloses his identity. He tells Wright the sad story of Allouma, and starts to throttle him. But at the door stands a little child. She places a tiny hand on Mohamed’s, and looking up trustingly, says, “I didn’t let the men hurt you, now don’t hurt my daddy.” Mohamed releases his hold, and gazes at the little girl who had saved him. Marjorie enters the room to see what is keeping them. Mohamed bows and says, “I have just been paying my respects to your husband before leaving for Egypt tomorrow.”

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 30 October 2022.

References: Slide-Aspects p. 59 : Website-IMDb.

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