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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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Dear Old Girl
(1913) United States of America
B&W : Short film
Directed by Theodore Wharton

Cast: Francis X. Bushman [Ted Warren, a student], Beverly Bayne [Dora Allen], William Bailey [Ted’s friend], Frank Dayton [John Allen], Helen Dunbar [Mrs. Allen], Theodore Tweston [William Warren, Ted’s father], Robert Walker [Jim, a servant], Miss Blanchard (Eleanor Blanchard), William Glasby

[?] Essanay Film Manufacturing Company? production; distributed by [?] The General Film Company, Incorporated? / Scenario by Theodore Wharton. Cinematography by D.T. Hargan. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.


Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? Ted Warren and Dora Allen were engaged to be married, and Ted, who is a student at Cornell, wishes to have the ceremony take place at his fraternity house on the day of his graduation. His sweetheart lives in his home town, which is a day's journey from the college, and a short while before graduation he takes the trip to visit his father and arrange with Dora and her parents about the wedding. After a few happy days spent with his fiancée he goes back to college, there to await with impatience the coming of that happiest of days which is to bring him his beloved bride and well-earned degree. The day before he receives a telegram from Dora stating that she and her parents are leaving with Ted’s father in his private car and will arrive at the college town in the morning. The next day as the university chimes ring out over the campus to the sweet melody of “Dear Old Girl,” Ted and three of his friends prepare to go to the train. Ted taking with him an immense bouquet of white flowers to present to his bride. A few minutes after the boys arrive at the station they are shown a telegram stating that Mr. Warren’s special car traveling at high speed, had been derailed and the entire party killed. Ted, unable to bear up under the frightful blow, is taken back to the fraternity house by his friends. Prematurely aged by the shock, and his mind unbalanced, Ted prepares every day at the ringing of the college chimes to meet his fiancée. His sympathetic friends, out of pity, humor him by taking him to the railroad station. After many such trips, the boy again breaks down and is ordered to bed by a physician. His faithful old colored servant is heartbroken at the change in his young master, and watches over him with ever loving care and devotion. The chimes again call Ted, and eluding old Jim he goes once more to meet the train. He hears the engine whistle in the distance, and in his eagerness, runs down the track toward the oncoming train. When the servant finds his charge gone, he is alarmed, and calling Ted’s friends they go in search of him. They find the boy barely alive, lying in a ditch alongside of the tracks. Tenderly, and with sorrow in their hearts, they take him back to the house and put him to bed. The spirit and the mind were already broken, and now the poor worn-out and maimed body is ready to give up the struggle. The going is eased by the spirit of the bride coming to greet him at the beginning of the long journey.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 29 December 2024.

References: Tarbox-Lost p. 121 : Website-IMDb.

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