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Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  The Bank Defaulter (1906)
Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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The Bank Defaulter
(1906) United States of America
B&W : Short film
Directed by (unknown)

Cast: (unknown)

Lubin Manufacturing Company production; distributed by Lubin Manufacturing Company. / Produced by Siegmund Lubin. / Released November 1906. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.


Synopsis: [From Lubin promotional materials] The president of the leading bank of a great city is entering his carriage as it stands in front of the fashionable church at the close of Sunday services. Members of the congregation, of which he is the chief pillar, crowd about to pay respectful homage to their honored brother. He drives to his palatial mansion, where he is lovingly greeted by his fond wife and affectionate children, who meet him in spacious apartments, luxuriously furnished at the expense of the bank’s depositors. The banker, in an expensive imported automobile, is seen on his way to the bank. He teaches the bank, The doors are open. Hard working depositors are in line waiting their turn eager to and their little mite to the banker’s hoard. After banking hours the first chapter of the banker’s double life is revealed. After an automobile drive through the park, the banker and his Mistress, upon whom he’s lavished fortunes, enter a fashionable cafe to dine in sumptuous style. Back to the bank to collect the loot. It is after banking hours and, except the unsuspecting watchman the banker is alone. Bonds and securities in the vault are carefully examined. Nothing but gilt edge papers of negotiable character, and bank notes of the largest denomination shall be taken. The bank is looted. With traveling bag stuffed with spoils, the banker is off to the house of his mistress, where she reigns like a bird in a gilded cage. She meets him on the steps. They hasten to her boudoir to make their hurried preparations for flight. A sound is heard outside. Already the defalcation has been discovered. The detectives are on the trail. Cunningly disguised, the fugitive banker eludes the detectives on watch, and reaching the railroad station, succeeds in catching the train just as it starts. The scene changes to the homes of some of the depositors. Women and children are seen at their daily toil in humble abodes, Slaving and scraping together every penny to be laid away in the bank against the coming of the dreaded day of sickness and trouble. Arriving at a distant city the banker registers at a hotel under an assumed name. But the officers of the law track him down, and he is brought back to the scene of his crime for trial. There are dramatic scenes in the courtroom. An old Woman, driven by hunger to the theft of a loaf of bread, on trial. She was starving and had no money, so she is convicted. She is sentenced and taken to jail. The next case for trial is that of the defaulting banker. The evidence is clear. The banker stole a million, but he still has it so he is acquitted. He is honorably discharged, and as he departs, he smilingly receives the congratulations of his able counsel and friends. Grand finale of Justice blindfolded. She poises her scales. At the verdict of acquittal, the weight of gold bears down bears down the scales and Justice bows her head in shame.

Survival status: The film is presumed lost.

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 9 January 2025.

References: Musser-Emerge pp. 479, 598 : Website-IMDb.

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