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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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As It Happened
(1915) United States of America
B&W : One reel
Directed by Tony O’ Sullivan (Anthony O’Sullivan)

Cast: Claire McDowell [the ranchman’s daughter], Harry Carey [the new foreman], Lewis Wells (L.M. Wells) [the ranchman]

Biograph Company production; distributed by The General Film Company, Incorporated. / Released 12 July 1915. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.

Drama: Western.

Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? The new foreman falls in love with the ranchman’s daughter, and notes with jealousy her joy over a letter which her father receives. An hour later, in town to purchase supplies, he sees the girl, who has driven to meet the train, bestow a warm welcome on a young “tenderfoot.” The newcomer is the girl’s brother, as her lover might have learned, but in a fit of jealousy he rides back to the ranch and draws his time. The ranchman, not wishing to lose a good man, inquires the reason, but gets no satisfactory answer. “I want to quit,” is all the foreman will vouchsafe. He takes what is coming to him and rides away on a prospecting trip. The girl’s brother, home after four years at college, has brought back with him some ill habits. He falls in with bad company and goes down the line. While he is gambling in a saloon with two card sharps, the ex-foreman, on a trip to town, enters, and recognizing the tenderfoot, watches the play. It is obvious that the young man is being cheated. Suddenly his suspicions are aroused, and he jumps to his feet, only to look down the barrel of a pistol. There is a shot, and the card sharp, wounded in the arm, drops his gun. It is the ex-foreman who has fired. A few moments later, outside the saloon, he hears the tenderfoot confess that the large sum of money thus miraculously saved was stolen from his father. “Your father?” exclaims the ex-foreman. “Then she is your sister.” Cautioning the young man to say nothing, he rides to the ranch house late at night, and effecting an entrance, replaces the money in the drawer from which it was taken. Hearing a sound, the rancher comes on the scene, and after denouncing the foreman as a thief, orders him out. On the road, he finds the tenderfoot a victim of the card sharps, who, not finding the money, have ridden on to break into the ranch house. Taking the boy back to the ranch, the ex-foreman is held up by the card sharps, but by means of the “twirling gun” trick gets the drop on them. His honor cleared, he wins the girl.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 8 April 2020.

References: Spehr-American p. 1 : Website-IMDb.

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